Page 113 of Bite Marks

“Well…” I trailed off as Kaylee made a show about hunkering down and getting comfortable. “Shall we?”

Dana hopped up, offering Elsie and me a hand, which we took, letting her pull us to our feet. “Is the bed going to fit all three of us?”

“Yup,” Kaylee said, popping thepas she pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa to cover herself. “Go crazy.”

“If we cuddle a bit,” I added, leading the way to her room. “Night, Kayl!”

“Ni-ni…” she mumbled, almost immediately followed by a snore as I flipped off the lights with the app control on my phone.

Elsie dove ahead of me into the room, jumping onto the bed and crawling for the pillows. “Vi, will you be big spoon?”

Dana looped their arm around my waist from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of my neck that made my knees wobble. “Are you tired already, Els? I've been eager to get you two alone all night…”

“If Vi wants to, I'm down.”

“If Vi wants to, what? Make good on my offer from Valentine’s Day? Yes, yes, she does.”I wasn’t even embarrassed over being this eager.

“Then Vi is wearing far too many clothes,” Dana said as she kissed up my neck, pausing to suck at the soft spot between my ear and jaw. Her hand found the hem of my shirt, helping me pull it over my head.

“Everyoneis wearing way too many clothes,” Elsie added.

I turned to get the door, closing it with a soft click, and turned around to get a faceful of her little sundress. I let the fabric fall to the floor, drinking in her moon pale skin, like another fucking Stressless.

It seemed that Elsie and I had the same idea when it came to bras—they were optional.

Dana undid the button of my jeans, pushing them toward the floor so I could step out of them. She tossed her phone onto my bedside table with a clatter before unclicking the harness stretching across her chest, sliding it off her arms and letting it drop.

I made quick work of Dana’s buttons as Elsie hugged me from behind, her hands exploring my chest with soft strokes and pinches at my nipples that turned them to tight peaks.

Dana pulled her shirt the rest of the way off as I unbuttoned her pants, leaning forward to kiss her soundly.

“You have the world's best boobs,” Elsie praised, nipping my bare shoulder as she fondled my chest. “It's a crime that you have to wear a shirt.”

Dana kicked off her pants and grabbed Elsie’s hips, using her body to bring mine flush against hers.

I moaned against her lips as Elsie twisted my nipples in unison.

“Fuck, Elsie, do that again.” Dana whispered, her dark hand stroking my cheek. “What a beautiful little sound.”

Elsie repeated the motion obediently, and I clamped my thighs together, whimpering against Dana’s skin as her hand found my panties.

Dana pulled them down just enough to be able to stroke my core with her fingers, and remembering the way she’d fucked me in the photo booth made my core twitch with need.

I turned my head, seeking Elsie’s lips, and was rewarded instantly by her nibbling kiss, joined shortly thereafter by Dana in a messy, three-way joining of mouths.

“Good girl,” Dana praised, running gentle circles over my clit. “You two look so fucking good together.”

I moaned again, bucking into her hand as Elsie bent, leaning around me to capture my nipple into her mouth while Dana swirled their fingers in my wetness, leaving my clit to tease my drooling pussy.

“Get on the bed and lie back.”

Elsie guided me to the edge of the mattress. I lamented the loss of Dana’s fingers instantly, but I followed Elsie’s gently guiding hands on my shoulders, bidding me to lie down.

Dana pressed her tongue to her fang as she pulled my panties the rest of the way down, and just watching her do it made me even wetter.

“I think it’s way overdue that I get to taste your delicious little cunt,” she murmured, fucking me shallowly with two fingers and making me writhe. “Elsie, go on ahead and straddle her face; gotta muffle her moaning so she doesn’t wake Babydoll.”

Elsie mock-saluted, throwing off her underwear to bracket my face with her thighs.