Something new.

Eugine gasped as I bent forward to take him into my mouth, alternating between sucking and licking until his knees shook.


“No?” I asked softly, my tail flicking behind me curiously before returning to the cabinet to keep him trapped. “Then when did you?—?”

“Fashion week, four years ago.” he ground out, losing the war with his self-restraint as his fingers slid into my hair, tangling and tugging in a desperate bid to draw my lips closer to his bobbing cock. “I was doing a piece for my graduate program.”

“I thought you didn’t care about fashion?” I asked, my eyes narrowing suspiciously.

“I don’t,” Eugine ground out. “The piece was on how designers use soundscapes to evoke emotion with an otherwise entirely visual medium.”

“Fashion isn’t entirely visual.”


Did I imagine the thread of challenge in his voice?

Surely, Imust’ve.

I clicked my tongue impatiently, allowing my free handto trail over Eugine’s thigh to prod at the opening of his pocket, making the mantis whimper, his hips kicking forward helplessly. “Sure, there areelementsthat are inherently visual—but that’s just a single portion of what clothes can do, Eugine.” I stroked him, focusing first at the base of his cock and moving slowly towards the tip, quickening my pace the closer I got to his deep russet head. “But there is more to it, an emotional element for the wearer, texture?—”

He whined, fingers tightening in my hair desperately. “I’m so close?—”

“—feel.” He pulsed in my palm, warning of his release and I sighed, impatience flicking through me. “Pathetic little bug, you’d better not come. I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

I leaned forward to swallow him, bobbing my head until the mantis caught the rhythm with his own desperately thrusting hips.

It wasn’t long before Eugine shuddered with the effort of stopping his orgasm, every muscle in his body tense as he squeezed his eyes shut, breathing hard. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

I released him with a loud pop, lipstick and saliva leaving a trail in my wake. My tail finally released its hold on the cabinet, freeing Eugine from his half-bent position with a gasp.

“Go lock the door.”



Ipeeled myself away from Maeve. From the bead of sweat rolling from her temple to trail down her neck until it was obscenely skating between her breasts. Disappearing into the unbuttoned collar of her crisp white blouse leaving me with the sudden, gripping urge tolick. To taste the salt of her, the synthetic musk and florals of her perfume.

Crossing the cramped room with my cock bobbing was embarrassing. Especially as I could feel her green eyes on me like a physical touch, my trembling fingers flipping the lock shut with a click—something I should’ve done when I first succumbed to the urges born from what was,undoubtedly, a lust potion slipped into our coffees.

My cock was so hard it was nearly painful, pre-cum leaking from the spit glossy tip to drip onto the floor in a puddle Maeve seemed to notice at the same time I did, her eyes narrowing.

It wasn’t a secret to myself that I enjoyed a bit of pain, that I wanted be used and abused.

But itwassurprise those desires flowed easily to my boss.Helped along by the lust potion and my humiliating obsession with her.

Ever since I’d seen her get out of that town car, her sunglasses perched perfectly on the bridge of her slender nose, plush lips parted on a sneer that slipped mechanically into a camera ready smile at the first flash—I knew she was exactly what I was looking for.

The kind of monster that hid her ugliest parts behind closed doors.

A woman who needed to be in control as desperately as she needed it to be ripped away from her.

I licked my lips, my breath catching as I waited for her next set of instructions.

“You’ve made a mess,” she murmured, her delicately manicured hands working through the buttons of her blouse effortlessly to reveal the sumptuous shape of her breasts.