Eugine started at the sound of my voice, bumping the cabinet and forcing it shut with a clatter, trapping his tie where it hung from his chest as he began to turn, the orange and teal of his cheeks going russet with embarrassment.
“I’m so—” He started, but whatever the mantiswasI’d never find out as he squawked.
“Are you nearly?—”
My voice cut off abruptly as what I was seeing finally clicked into place, my eyes sliding down his lithe body. The metallic noise I’d thought was Eugine shifting through files had stopped my view full of his open belt and trousers. His thick, ridged cock twitched in tandem with his spindly antenna, mouth open in horror as he tried to pry his tie away from where it was suffocating him.
“I-I-I swear this isn’t what it looks like—” he choked, unsuccessful in loosening his tie.
“It isn’t?” I asked, meeting his panicked eyes evenly, thesmile settling onto my features as hungry as the pounding in my centre as I drew nearer, my tail snapping out to hold the drawer shut.
“No!” he whimpered, managing to loosen his tie enough to breathe but not nearly enough to free himself from the cabinet, bent at an awkward angle as he met my eyes. Whatever he saw there, made him chirp softly, his throat bobbing with his swallow.
“Because what itlooks like,is that you’re so pathetic you couldn’t admit to my face that you wanted to fuck me,” I murmured, tucking my manicured fingers under his chin to turn his face up to mine. “Howpitiful.”
“M-Miss Randall, I—” he whined, the chirping growing louder.
“Do you like it when Idegradeyou, Eugine?” I asked evenly, irritation lapping at my mind that he was seeking his release without me.
The mantis licked his lips nervously, pressing them tightly together as if he could stop his reply. But I had himexactlywhere I wanted him now. I could be patient.
Seconds ticked between us, Eugine’s eyes roaming from my face to the line of my throat, disappearing into the shadowed valley between my breasts.
Finally, after what felt like hours—his erect cock leaking pre-cum onto the floor in slow drips under my flat stare—came the answer I was waiting for.
I adjusted my hold, my fingers brushing along the side of his smooth cheek as I leaned into him, his rigid cock brushing against my thigh. We were so close I could feel the warmth pouring off of his skin, see the sweat beading along his forehead.
Slowly, I trailed my hand from his face to his neck, usingmy nails to scratch along the taut muscles of his sensitive throat.
Eugine responded immediately with more chirps. His thin, whiny whimper meeting my ears was as satisfying as a key change in a pop song.
My hand slid down the front of his shirt, taking in the hard muscle under the sweaty polyester stuck to his wiry frame. The closer my claw-like nails dragged towards his weeping cock, the louder Eugine’s whine became, coming as a hiss through his clenched teeth.
“If you don’t stop I’ll—” he warned, his voice shaking under the effort of his restraint.
“You’llwhat?” I mocked nastily, my lips brushing the corner of his mouth. Close enough that I could taste the coffee on his breath, and the gum he’d used to try and hide it. “Fuck me?”
He attempted to jerk the cabinet open again with a grunt, my tail holding it firmly shut as his wild eyes searched my face.
It was like I could tell what he was thinking.
Is she serious? Is this really happening?
“Well?” I prompted, my patience wearing thin as my hand reached his Adonis belt, barely grazing the thick, flared ridge at the base of his cock.
Eugine let out a moan that made my toes curl in my shoes, his antenna shuddering. “Yeah, pretty much.”
My stockinged knees met the cool floor before I consciously thought to kneel, taking the mantis’ bared cock into my hand for a firm stroke that made his knees quiver. My junior assistant jerked forward, spluttering and coughing as his trapped tie choked him.
“Miss Randall?—”
“It’s Maeve,” I corrected, looking up to meet his eyes. “Itold you before to use my first name, Eugine, can’t you remember something so simple? Useless little thing that you are… Nothing to be done about it I suppose.”
“To be done about what?” he murmured, eyes hooded as I explored his cock with a few slow strokes of my fist. The ridges of his hardened sex were rubbery, giving way with each pass of my hand with firm resistance.