Thomas. Again. Asking for the gods damned Cover Ghoul contract.

“I need that contract,” I said, meeting his dark eyes as heclimbed out from under the desk, resting his large palms on my thighs as he leaned in for a kiss.

“Sure thing, Maeve.”

A kiss he wasn’t going to get from me. Not here.

“Now, Eugine,” I said tightly, my resolve already beginning to crumble.

“Yeah, of course,” Eugine said with a twinge of disappointment in his voice, hurrying out of my office with a backward glance that lasted a couple of seconds too long.

I groaned, slouching in my chair.

It was a blessing Diane had gone for her lunch, her desk surreptitiously empty. How the fuck was I meant to explain Eugine crawling out from under my desk otherwise?

I just needed to sign those documents and we could get out of here. Both of us. Away from prying eyes and gossipy little first assistants.

My tail swished behind me impatiently.

If I could make it that long.



My lips were practically numb as I stumbled from Maeve’s office, the taste of her sodden cunt still fresh and tart on my tongue. Every step separating us—and my ability to beg on hand and knee for her to fuck me—felt like wading through quicksand. My leaden feet resisted every heavy footfall through the carpeted hall like a toddler refusing their bedtime.

If she felt half as good as she tasted, I didn’t stand a chance.

The cool doorknob of the cramped copy room was grounding, bringing me back from the ringing in my ears to the present.

Get the contract. Bring it back to Maeve. Go home to try and erase the memory of her choked whimpers from the place they’d been burned into my memory.

For a copy room, it was more of a storage closet, hardly more than five by seven thanks to the filing cabinets that ringed three-fourths of the walls. Fax machines—gods, who even used those anymore—a large multifunctional copy machine, scanner and whatever the fuck else all the buttonsand knobs did on the hideous machine that I barely knew how to use. Mail boxes overflowing with fliers, samples, and memos. Stacks of office supplies and dusty mockups that really should’ve been recycled a few seasons ago but no one dared touch lest Maeve decide she suddenly needed them.

Not that she ever did… At least not in the time I’d been working here.

Okay, Eugine.I thought, taking a deep breath through my mouth and practically drooling at the taste of Maeve lingering on my tongue. My legs trembled, a soft chirp emitting from the thin fibres lining my thighs.Find the file.

It was dizzying, the feeling coursing through my body and making it warm. Like happiness on steroids. But I knew what this was.

Lust beyond all comparison.

Needy. Pathetic. Begging.Want.

I used my key to open the metal cabinet at my waist, bending to flick through the labelled files for the copy of the Cover Ghoul contract that I’d meticulously stored away,just in case.

Find the file.

Bring the file to Maeve.

Take half of a personal day.

Fuck my hand until my cock was completely raw while numbing my brain with porn that absolutelydid notfeature cat girls.

Okay, it was totally going to have cat girls.

To make it easier to separate a couple of stiff pages I licked my fingers, my knees nearly buckling under my weight as a fresh burst of arousal hit my tongue and nose.