Just then, Pa and Raven burst through the door.
“What in the gods-damn name of hells is going on here?” Pa said.
I ignored him, too distracted as I pulled out a newer version of a WANTED sign, one that portrayed my eyes a little too far apart. I scoffed.
“See, asshole? It says, ‘VERY DANGEROUS,’” I said, but the Fire Fae only appeared to be half listening.
A shudder swept down my back as Raven stood behind me, his anger sending a tremor through our frayed and forced bond. I clenched my teeth and lifted my chin, eyes still on the fire bastard on the floor.
Don’t fuck with me today, bird.
I handed Raven the WANTED sign over my shoulder. When I turned to face him, his eyes were full of weighted thoughts. Its gravity hung in the silence between us. He smirked, flashing a dimple before his gaze fell to the paper.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He slapped the corner and leaned against the wall before passing it to Pa. “I’m not a fucking blue jay.”
Pa sighed and removed his hat, combing a gloved hand through his hair.
The Fire Fae tried to speak. To ease the tension in the room, I decided to loosen the lasso.
“Tell me who sent you.” I grabbed a fistful of his shirt.
He gurgled a nervous laugh that rumbled in his chest. “You have more than a WANTED sign on your head, pretty little Umbra Fae. You don’t think Ryder is after the same thing as the rest of us?”
My breath stilled. “How do you know Ryder?” My voice fluctuated in confusion.
He laughed again. “How does anyone not know who the land’s best bounty hunter is? Where is he now?”
A chill swept down my spine. From behind me, Pa’s leather gloves creased.
I blinked back as a stone dunked into the pit of my stomach, registering that Ryder’s things were missing.
“You’re worried about these measly little WANTED signs when you should be worried about why Fang hired Ryder to bring you to his palace. Word on the street is you’re kind of special…worth more nara coins than any heist I’ve ever seen. Looks like Ryder’s done his biggest one yet.” The Fire Fae smiled, inhaling the smell of sex and Ryder’s licorice and spice coating my skin. His eyes roamed over my body as if he could still see the flesh beneath the shirt.
I grabbed him by the throat. “You’re lying,” I growled, nostrils flaring as tears stung my eyes.
“You got that all wrong, sugar. It’s the pretty boys who always lie,” he drawled.
I hadn’t realized how hard I’d gritted down on my teeth until copper tinged my mouth. I bit my cheek as anger consumed my hold. My grasp crushed his muscles, bones, and trachea, cutting short his gasps and pleas. This fae just fed my inner beast by sending my thoughts brimming. I watched life leave his body. I released the shadowed lasso around his neck upon a final breath he would never feel as his body slumped down into a quiet, endless sleep.
No words formed, only menacing thoughts as I grabbed my belongings and stepped into the washroom.
I felt Raven’s looming presence moments after as he stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, likely catching a side view of my breasts as I pulled a clean top over my chest. I tugged my riding pants up my hips and geared up.
“So, you belong to no one, huh?” he mocked. I slipped my leather vest on as my head whipped in his direction. Bloodshot anger swelled in our eyes.
Forcing a half smile, I grabbed him by the chin, pulling his head down until he met my seething glare, seeing the effect my simple touch had over him.
“He said pretty boys lie…You’re kind of pretty yourself, bird. So where does that leave us?”
“Us?” He grinned, that dimple reappearing. His hand curled around mine, the size difference evident as he placed it over my heart. I took one step back as he moved into my space. I took in the slant of his nose, knit brows, chiseled face…He was tugging at the thread of our bond as his rich brown eyes narrowed in on me. The fucker knew what he was doing. I felt his presence with more force than before. My back hit the wall as he placed two heavy palms on each side of my head and leaned forward, caging me within. I pressed my palms against his firm chest as the dark linen clung to his muscular form, but it didn’t stop him from getting closer.
“He might be on your lips for now, Vessa, but when the day is gone and all is still, remember my touch along the chain you think is around your neck,” he said, leaning into the shell of my ear and stroking the thread that bound us together. As frayed as it was, I felt the flutter along the edges. I sucked in a shuddered breath. He smiled in satisfaction as his warmth enveloped me. “And I haven’t even touched you. Imagine howflusteredyou’ll be then.”
His jaw tensed in strangled silence, enough to hear me swallow the lump in my throat.
I found my bearings as I lifted my chin, gaze hardening into something fierce as I shoved past him. “I don’t have time for this. I have a cowboy to hunt.”
Pa saidnothing as I stormed out of the room and descended the stairs. He knew there was no turning back once I had my mind set. He could either stay behind or join me. Of course, he chose the latter.