“This is dangerous,” he exhaled in a heated breath. “So fucking dangerous.” A strong, calloused hand slid down my waist as he leaned down, kissing along the column of my neck while our hips moved in synchronized motions.

I smiled, eyes closed as I danced on the edges, pushing to see how far I could take this. I would run to Earth’s Fall if I could.That hidden space at the end of Blightstone Hollow that was only told in stories, a place I often hoped existed come the day I was done with this place.

“We are still here,” I softly whispered into the shell of his ear. He turned his head ever so slightly, causing the scruff of his beard to rub against me. He dragged his lips to mine, hard and claiming—demanding in how he pulled me against his chest. I held my breath as the world slipped away, opening my mouth to his. We moved together as the darkness enveloped us until the song was over.

I opened my eyes in a soft flutter, caught beneath his penetrating stare. And I was still alive. Our magic waned as I looked around.

“I don’t know how, but no one noticed,” I said quietly into his ear, shocked that the room remained moving to the next song. But something caught the corner of my eye as another type of magic sent a vibration down my spine.

I turned to find Raven, hand extended, the remnants of his shadow receding back into his palm as sweat broke out across his face. He paled, fingertips shaking, and blood dripped from his nose. My jaw fell open. Shock and anger fused together as I rushed through the crowd.

“What the hell are you doing?” My voice shook, my mind still reeling to understand how he could have donethat.

“Don’t,” is all he said.

He’d somehow strengthened his power of illusion, all so I could dan?—

When the realization struck me, I brought a hand to my mouth. “Why?” My voice unexpectedly cracked. I was not worthy of such a thing.

He pulled a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped the blood off his nose with a rendering force.

“Why do you think?” His eyes flashed with nothing but pain and frustration. “You mean more to me than a…forcedbond. I—” He waved his hand, gritting his teeth with his jaw set in place. Whatever he had been about to say died on his tongue. “Seeing your smile is better than flying. I know where we stand, but it doesn’t mean I won’t go through great lengths to see you’re still alive somewhere deep inside…”

He never looked at me; his gaze was far away.

“Good night, moon,” he said, dissipating into the dark just as he always did when he was done. I watched him disappear into a shroud of nothing; only the stool remained where he’d just been.

Ryder came up behind me, secretly slipping me my glove. He was still confused.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be.”



Just as expected, Pa gently knocked at my door before dawn. I’d barely slept last night. Between that man still yelling at his wife two floors down, my dance with Ryder, and Raven extending his magic in ways I couldn’t even begin to understand, I didn’t think anyone had gotten any decent rest.

“Come in,” I said, gathering my things.

Pa opened the door with a deep sigh, sadness brimming over.

“The pie was good, wasn’t it?”

“Yup, too good.”

“I know.” I felt the burn in my eyes as I bit the inside of my cheek.

Not today, Vessa. Pull it back.

“This room is pretty nice,” he observed, avoiding the looming presence of grief as he took a small tour. “Maybe on our way back, we can get you the same one and you can enjoy it for longer.” There was a sense of foreboding in the air as he spoke, one I tried not to dissect. “I went ahead and filled your canteen with water. I’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready.”

That was his way of saying he was sorry.

“Thanks, Pa.” I swung my satchel across my body.

He looked around and held his hands out. “Where’s Raven?”