She loosened her grip around my hilt and lifted her head. Lips swollen, she took in the magical sight while she gasped for air. “Blue, just like your eyes.”
She took my hand in hers and pulled me up until we were knee-to-knee on the mattress. Naked and bare with my magic weaving around us.
“I wouldn’t have expected a cowboy so rugged and brash to have a touch so soft.”
I felt the same about her. A double-edged sword, and I was a mindless fool for pulling myself into her blade.
Shadows twined around her hands, a darkness matching my own that was a reflection of the horrors and pain she hid behind her eyes. She reached out, cupping her hand against my face as if she were cradling everything that made me wretched. I closed my eyes unexpectedly, as I exhaled a deeper breath.
“So this is what it feels like to be less broken,” I whispered, opening my eyes to find her already lost in mine. I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about a woman having such a powerful effect on me, but the threads of my magic weaved with hers, responding to its call with a soft, shimmering light, moving with us as she led me down on top of her.
“You don’t have to hide from me, cowboy. I see all your demons. Let them reign while we enjoy this moment.”
I had so much I didn’t want her to know as panic rushed down my spine in a lick of cold sweat. With all the power I had, I locked it all up, tucked it far away, and fucking destroyed the key.
As I wedged myself between her thighs, my length rested between us.
“Who we were before won’t matter if you will have me for who I’ll try to be from here forward,” I whispered. The unexpected vow sounded more like a longing plea as I looked into her eyes, studying each luminous speckle atop the bridge of her nose.
She caressed the back of my neck and pressed her lips against mine, searing in the answer. My hips gently moved, and she opened her legs wider as I nudged at her entrance.
Every moment that passed was an eternity as she seemed to sift through every thought.
Without warning, I slid inside her, all the way to the hilt.
She gasped.
Suddenly, the most beautiful light appeared around us from the shrouds of her darkness. A bond, one that shimmered like the essence of the moon with threads across a night sky.
She blossomed, and my gods, it nearly ended me. We stayed in this position for a few moments, allowing her to adjust to my size. Her slick heat was warm and welcoming as both our hearts thundered against our chests. I brought her hand to my lips.
“You are the perfect storm. One I’d gladly chase into the night,” I said, kissing her palm. I had yearned to enter the eye of her storm, to find a quiet calm within the madness that was to be me. As I began to slowly move inside her, I was finding that quiet place.
The weight of my body pressed her into the bed, and she welcomed it by running her nails down my back. I leaned my weight on an elbow, watching the way her hips rose to meet mine. It was a struggle not to lose it all when I felt her clench around my cock; the gentle throb nearly sent me to move deeper with every stroke.
“I told you being pretty was going to be a problem,” she said, casting a mischievous smirk my way as she gently brushed her hands along the scars on my ears.
I leaned my forehead against hers, half grinning. “I’m pretty, and you’re the devil. It’s quite an interesting match.”
Her laughter caused her to squeeze around my hilt once more.
“Fuck,” I grunted. “Keep clenching that pretty pussy of yours, and you might nearly end me right here and now.” I thrusted deeper, cock throbbing before I pulled back out, causing her to whimper.
I kept my pace, moving inside her as desire burned in our eyes. The light surrounding us intensified the deeper I dove through her center and mind. The gravitating force pulled me through every thick-ass wall, one by one, in flashes of light.
It was maddening.
I saw the beat of her heart at the very center of my thoughts. This kind of feverous love could make anyone lose their gods-damn mind, and I would gladly lose it all for her.
She was not only the last of the Umbra, but she was everything around us at once. I couldn’t explain it. All I understood was that, as my mind moved forward, every thrust inside her body brought me closer to her. She was revealing parts of herself I didn’t think she knew she was exposing.
My heart nearly stopped seeing Vessa connected to the Eternal stone. This was the reason Fang wanted her.
She was the secret who harnessed the power to enter Earth’s Fall, the hidden realm that lay at the edge of Blightstone Hollow.
He wanted to kill her. She could not only restore the lands but stop the blight from spreading.
My breath stilled until I felt her touch startle me back into her gaze.