“Where will you be taking them?” I asked, stepping forward, ignoring the sounds of Raven struggling to dismount. I sensed his irritation. He wanted to say “fuck it” and shift, but he relented. They took a step back, as if my stride was too aggressive.

One stuttered before he spoke. “Out back, Miss. It’s where we accommodate all the guests’ horses.” He jerked a thumb behind him, where a smaller structure was attached to the side of the building. My lips pressed thin as I nodded. I heard a heavy thud as Raven finally dismounted. Turning, I found him straightening his shoulders, rolling his head from side to side, tired of being in his male form. There was a light sheen of sweat on the column of his smooth, pale neck.

“Is there anything else you need, ma’am?” the girl asked behind me.

“No,” I said, eyes still on Raven, drawing my attention to the length of his broad shoulders. As if he sensed my stare, he looked up, mouth curling into a half grin with narrowing eyes in challenge to open our bond and hear what he was thinking.

“Let’s get inside,” Pa said.

“Right.” I released the tension in my jaw and turned to see Ryder already gathering the rest of our things.

Before I knew it, we were walking into a large entryway with pillars rising to the ceiling. I stood back, examining the structure as Ryder got the keys to our rooms from a woman behind a dark mahogany desk. I overheard him saying we would be here over the course of a few days as he handed her a sizable pouch of nara coins.

“Looks like we’re on the top floor,” Ryder said, handing a key to Pa, but he paused when he got to mine and dangled it above my palm. He closed the distance between us, slightly leaning down so his pale-blue eyes could see me beneath my hat. “Desert Storm always gets the best,” he said, lust-coated, sending another wave of heat down my body.

That look alone was enough to transcend me, but he reeled it in so quickly, hiding behind that veil he often clung to every time I tried to see past the palpable desire. Something was lost within him, a struggle that became more evident as he turned, walking toward the hall that lead to our rooms. We followed, our spurs chiming in an unsynchronized clamor as we went up the stairs. I wondered if he was thinking about where Raven would sleep tonight, wondering if he would shift into a bird and fuck off, or stay. There were only three keys. Nonetheless, he could not lick his claim on me no matter how talented his tongue was.

We made it to the fourth floor. The four of us took deep breaths as we silently went to our rooms. Pa’s was at the end of the hall; he left first, giving me a silent nod with a look that said to stay out of trouble before he closed the door behind him. As expected, he did not lock it. He had been eager in his strides, eager to open up a deck of cards. Knowing he would be content in his little corner of the world made me smile.

On the opposite end of the hall was my room. Ryder led the rest of the way, stopping by the door before it.

“I guess this is good night. I’ll see you at dawn.” His voice was smooth and husky. He was a lure in my existence and a temptation as I studied the seam of his lips as they curved into a smirk.

“Well…bye,” Raven said, slightly leaning over my shoulder to dissipate the coiling heat.

“Good night, Ryder.”

Raven walked in first, immediately going toward the balcony as I hovered by the door. I paused momentarily, allowing the thrum of my pulse to vibrate through my magic. I closed the door and clicked it shut, and within a few seconds, I heard Ryder close his.

I turned to find Raven, unfazed by the luxuries this room had to offer as he looked out over The City of Donia. Smooth marble floors filled the space with a massive bed against an ivory-painted headboard gilt in gold. I tossed my satchel, hat, and gloves onto the mattress, watching remnants of dust puff out on impact while I made my way toward the washroom. It was off to the side, surprisingly with no doors. I peeked in to find a marble clawfoot tub already filled with water and its steam curling into the air. Beside it, a pile of dark, fresh linen had been placed onto an ivory side table.

I went for the note that lay atop it.

You said I owed you new clothes. Enjoy. From the cowboy demon.

I scoffed under my breath, feeling my cheeks warm the moment I raised the sheer, pale-blue fabric into the air. Wearing this would leave nothing to the imagination, save for the button clasp at the back. There was a matching undergarment. After having more than a handful of my breasts, I couldn’t be too shocked he would know what size to get.

“Flustered, Vessa?”

I nearly jumped, placing the garments down onto the pile as I casually covered them far from reach. I spun on my heels, finding Raven leaning against the opening with his arms casually crossed, looking a little too tense for the circumstance. There was no playful smirk displayed.

I stepped into his space until we shared the same air. My eyes narrowed in on him as that tether called to open my side of the bond.

“Would it bother you if I was?” I bit out.

His jaw tensed, but he remained poised as he towered over me. “We are not romantically bound, Vessa. You are free to do what you want with any untrustworthy cowboy you see.”

And there it is.I laughed, throwing my hands into the air.

“You don’t evenknowhim,” I snapped, crossing my arms as I shifted my weight to one side.

“Doyou?” he questioned.

I went to speak, but my mouth was left agape as words evaded me. I quickly closed it.

Seconds passed as his deep-brown eyes narrowed on me.

“I’m starting to,” I finally said.