I needed to discover everything on my own terms, all the evil that dwelled in Donia, and deal with it my way.
We slowed to a trot as we crested the hill, revealing the city’s glow and plains around a dark horizon. This was one of the biggest cities I had ever seen. It was surrounded by an impressive stone wall, which only opened on two ends, allowing twin rivers to feed the city. Narrowing my eyes up ahead, I put on my hat as Ryder handed me my gloves. Pa and Raven stopped beside us with dark eyes as they took in what was ahead.
There would be no souls to save once we breached those gates.
Little did they know, hell was coming.
There wasa glow cast over the city from an unknown source. No amount of candles could have created such a light. It was as if someone had fallen in love with the moon, pulled her off her throne to become a prisoner, and kept her bound behind thick, fortified walls. The sight was nearly unfathomable. Beyond that was a darkness I could only assume was the ocean.
A city that has no place to turn will only drown.
My power thrummed against my arm as an unsettling warmth bloomed. Ma came to me like an echo of emotion, a message that had no sound, only feeling, and today, her energywas loud. I turned to my left, as if she were there, only to find Pa wearing the same expression as I. Awestruck with sadness, as if we had been chosen to be left behind because of who we were. I sensed his mind drift to a place mine so often did, reminiscing about all the “what ifs” and daydreaming about a future we could never have because we’d watched the other halves of our souls die. Simultaneously, we nodded at one another, understanding this wasn’t the time to stay there.
As we looked into the darkness, others moved toward the city either by horse, wagon, or on foot. They were caught in the lure of The City of Donia, like bees to honey.
“These walls remind me of the chains I willneverwear,” I said, eyes hardening as I nudged Ryder’s stallion forward.
“I’m right there with you on that one, Shadow. Remember what I told you.” With a few clicks of Pa’s tongue, he moved to ride closer beside me while my mare instinctively did the same, creating some sort of barrier around me. Raven understood the unspoken mission, and with darkening eyes, he sent me a reassuring nod that somehow eased the tension fighting to rise within me.
We shuffled in with the crowd like slow-moving livestock, feeling suddenly confined. I preferred a drunken room full of people over this any day. Raven reached out, squeezing my hand as I grasped the reins, and brushed his thumb across the top. His eyes held a look of knowing comfort, ignoring Ryder’s staking claim as he entered our space. Ryder remained like a dog guarding his favorite delicacy.
The moment Raven withdrew his hand, Pa’s words repeated in the back of my mind.
“Remember what I told you.”
My pulse rose as my eyes trailed up the wall to find lawmen strapped with pistols and rifles as they surveyed the incoming crowd. There was something off about a few of them.I swallowed as my heart hammered against my ribs while anger rolled through me.
Suddenly, Ryder leaned into the shell of my ear, easily pulling my attention away the moment his big strong hands gently squeezed my sides.
“You’ll want to keep your head down, Desert Storm. They see a pretty face like yours, all shiny, and they might ask questions.”
I couldn’t help the way he made my heart flutter.
“You are not like other fae, my moon,”Ma would say.
His hands remained relaxed, but his thumbs caressed my hips, causing my next breath to shudder. I slightly turned back, caught beneath his stare as he smirked.
My jaw clenched as we neared the entrance and didn’t relax until we were inside the walls of Donia. My brows knit, seeing the bustle of life beyond. There were merchants lining the streets, selling a plethora of goods from dyed linen to spices and food. Above were two-and three-story homes, all made of smooth, beige sandstone. The streets were bricked, with the sand dusting between the cracks.
A magical hum filtered through the streets, sending a throbbing pulse to my temples. I looked at Pa, wondering if he could hear it too, but his expression remained the same.
“They sure know how to shine a turd,” he murmured.
“No kidding,” Raven chimed in as he adjusted himself on the saddle once more. I chuckled. The bird was made to fly, not ride a horse. He’d be glad to get off.
“I know you like to lead, but I’ll take it from here,” Ryder said. I sensed his smirk as he slowly moved his hands along the top of mine until he slipped the reins from my grip, leaving me with nothing but a warmth building between my thighs.
We veered off the main roads into smaller alleyways, where the houses grew increasingly in size. A few more three-storybuildings shared a line as their clothes hung to dry. The further we rode in, the nicer the buildings became.
“This is where we will be staying tonight,” Ryder said as we neared the tallest building in the area. Four stories high.
Pa looked reluctant and arched a thick brow in Ryder’s direction. We were far too gritty for a place like this.
“She only gets the best, right, End’s Wrath?” Ryder flashed him a mocking half grin as he dismounted.
I followed suit, landing beside Ryder, the height difference vast.
Up ahead, two young boys and a girl approached us, taking the reins from Pa and Ryder.