The boy beamed at the gesture. “Even, not like getting even, but like...heaven. My younger brother’s name is Daven. Same ending.”
Pa blinked back with a chuckle as he tried to gather all he’d just heard.
With a gentle wave, Even summoned the power ofAri, smiling as the horse drank water from his hand. The gesture was so kind and selfless.
“He’s special, just like you. In the right light, you will soar, and everyone else might want to get the hell out of the way for that,” Even said looking up at Ryder.
“My my, little guy. You have quite the mouth on you.” Pa cracked a smile, one so bright, it nearly stung my eyes.
Unsure how to respond, Ryder smirked and tilted his hat.
“Best be on your way.”
Without saying another word, Even disappeared back into the shadows of the doorway, and in unison, we rode off.
Before I broke the silence, more than half the day had gone by. End’s Wrath and Vessa had been lost to their thoughts. I’d been left with mine; a place I often didn’t want to stir. Whatever slept in the recesses of my mind needed to stay the fuck asleep.
“If we ride hard, we can make it to The City of Donia in less than two days, reaching the city in the late hours of the night.”
End’s Wrath responded with a nod, enough for me to gather it meant “sounds good.”
I clicked my tongue and nudged my stallion to ride beside Vessa. Her stone-cold gaze matched End’s Wrath’s. When I got no response from either of them, I knew not to pry. Last time, I’d said something ignorant, and I’d ended up paying for it.
Raven flew ahead, and it gave me sick joy knowing he and Vessa had tension. He needed to fuck off for as long as possible. There was something about him I didn’t trust.
I was vexed by Vessa, by the siren of a storm that kept me in her range but rarely ever let me into her eye. In those moments when she’d let me in, searing me with those perfect lush lips, guilt had tried to take root around my jagged heart, attempting to tear me to shreds. Our magic danced in unison, and I couldn’thelp but allow my mind to wander back to those moments, of what all that could have meant. The way her waist had felt when I’d slipped my arm around it, wanting to commit such heinous crimes just to taste her on my lips again or even see her cast a glance my way. And as I watched her take off her hat and run a hand through her hair with the sun filtering through those long, soft locks, I wondered at how fucking magical she was in everything. Every time I stared at her, I was wrecked.
This was a job and nothing more, but my cock and heart were beginning to align, and it was starting to piss me the fuck off.
Come sundown,we built a small fire by the foot of a mountain that blended into rolling hills. It was a small bend that gave us cover with a fifteen-foot cliff at the mouth of it. The land was ever-changing and so was the air, feeling cooler than it had months ago when I’d passed through. It never snowed here, but the bite of this breeze was enough to make me think that maybe the world was acclimatizing to the way fae and humans were interacting.
I placed a rolled blanket between my back and a boulder, making my spot for the night as I eyed the crest of the hills.
For the first time today, Vessa spoke, her soft voice nearly ethereal, or maybe it was just the remedy I needed. My mind was playing tricks on me.
“There are a few lone trees at the top,” she observed, the canopy’s leaves a bright crimson. No doubt things in the land were changing, and that pretty little fae was so observant. There was something about her and the connection she felt to her elements. Everything seemed to come naturally. She hadto put her hands on something and always had some sort of observational words to follow.
“Those trees are a little too far from their home in Blightstone Hollow,” End’s Wrath replied.
Just then, a dark silhouette swept down, sending my nerves into a frenzy the moment the bird dissipated into a dark cloud, stepping onto the ground a man, this time with ease, as there had been no imminent threat. As he emerged from the shrouds, Vessa already had him in her line of sight.
He went straight for her with four rabbits tied in a withered rope, tossing them at her feet like some sort of peace offering or gift. She smirked. It looked like his way of saying he was sorry. For what? I still had no fucking clue. Maybe another silent fight I’d never know about.
A smile curved her full lips, and she took off her hat and gloves. He sat beside her, closer than he should have, as she leaned against him and patted the side of his face.
“My favorite,” she said.
Raven groaned as he rolled his head from side to side and squared his shoulders, causing End’s Wrath to look up from the brim of his hat.
“What’s gotten into you, boy? Tough shifting back to a man?” He raised a peppered brow.
Vessa scoffed. “I can only assume it’s from what he did last night.” She darted a glare at Raven as she crossed her arms.
I sighed.Thiswas my entertainment for the night? Umbra drama at its finest, and a front-row seat I hadn’t asked for. I leaned further into my rolled-up blanket and pulled my hat over my face.