Her words make me think about how easily Harvey has stepped into this role. And then I think of Butch. We finalized our divorce. I’m surprised he didn’t contest it, but I’m relieved to put that chapter behind me. I haven’t heard from him since, and honestly, I’m fine with that. He’s in for a very long time. Danny’s in there too, arrested and charged for criminal possession of a controlled substance and grand larceny in the 3rd degree. It still feels unreal, but at least I’m free to move on.
“Yeah, don’t rush it. Have some fun.”
She turns to face me. “Did you talk to the therapist about the baby plan?”
I look around, making sure no one overhears.
“I did. She said as long as I feel ready and we keep communicating our needs, there’s no reason not to move forward. She also mentioned that trust is something that has to be worked on daily.”
She nods slowly, her expression softening. “Do you feel ready?”
I sigh and run a hand through my hair. “About having another baby? No. I have a business, so I’m secure financially, and I know Chad and I will be fine. I just don’t want him to break my heart.”
Her lips curve into a small smile as she tilts her head. “You love him.”
“I do,” I admit, my voice dropping to a whisper, “and it scares me.”
“That’s normal,” she says gently, resting a hand on my arm. “Keep going to therapy. You’ll get through it. It just takes time.”
I chuckle softly and shake my head. “You know, that's exactly what she says.”
Her grin widens. “I know because she tells me the same thing.”
I laugh, the tension in my chest easing a little. “It’s always easier to give advice than to believe it yourself, huh?”
“Exactly,” she says with a knowing smile, squeezing my arm lightly.
It’s time for the cake, and Harvey steps off to the side to give Chad the spotlight. But to everyone's surprise, Chad pulls Harvey and me closer. We exchange glances over his head before smiling for a family picture.
Everything feels right. It’s one of those rare moments when I realize that I’m not alone in this world, there’s a family behindme. As the flash of the camera goes off, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.
Maybe the next step in my life, whatever it is, doesn’t need to be perfect. Maybe it just needs to be real. And with this moment, I feel ready to move forward with Chad and Harvey by my side.
A few months later
“Morning, buttercup,” I whisper as I kiss her. Waking up beside her is the best part of my day. I hear little footsteps approaching, and a smile spreads across my face. Lifting the covers, I wait for Chad's sleepy head to crawl in before the alarm blares.
We’re still finding our new morning routine at her place.
A few minutes later, I climb out of bed, but Chad bounces out and runs straight for the kitchen.
I leave Jemima to rest a little longer while I get up to make Chad some breakfast. Brewing a coffee for Jemima, I bring it to her in bed, along with some toast. She’s already lost in a book when I walk in.
“I’m so spoiled,” she says, setting the book down beside her.
I kiss her lips and head back to the kitchen to make Chad’s school lunch. We need to drop him off before heading to work.
Chad is ready for school, but when I enter our bedroom, Jemima isn’t there. I hear a strange sound coming from the bathroom, so I walk and find her bent over the toilet. My heart races, and I quickly move to her side, placing a hand on her back.
“Are you okay?”
She dry heaves, and I wince.
“I just all of the sudden was nauseous and, oh my god, I'm late.”