
“I forgot a condom,” I rasp in a panic.

She’s going to fucking kill me.

“I’m sure I can’t get pregnant, don't worry,” she says shakily, coming down from another intense orgasm.

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“I haven't gone through menopause yet, but I know it's not far off. At forty-two, getting pregnant isn’t simple for me… it wasn’t easy with Chad either. It took time, and I know how much of a journey it can be.”

I shiver as I pull out of her, then head to the bathroom to quickly clean up, and as I do my mind drifts, and it dawns on me that I want a family with her. Bringing back a washcloth for her, I crawl on the bed and clean her before coming back to lie beside her, wanting to keep talking.

“Do you want to get pregnant? I mean, would you want to?” I ask, watching her closely.

“I always wanted a big family. I wish Chad had a sibling. I never had one, and I didn’t want him to miss out, but I guess...” she trails off, biting her lip.

“I’ll happily give you a baby.” I say it with certainty, leaning forward slightly.

Her eyes widen, and I see her freeze for a moment, her eyebrows knitting together as her mind races. “What?”

“I’ll get you pregnant.” I don’t look away as she shifts uncomfortably.

“But you don’t want that right now.”

“If you want more kids, we’ll have them.” I cradle her cheek, bringing her gaze to mine, making sure she knows I’m serious.

“You’re serious?” Her eyes roam my face, uncertainty etched into her expression.

“Yes. I’d give you anything.” My heart is pounding hard and fast as I try to get her to understand.

Her head tilts, disbelief still lingering in her eyes. “You didn’t want kids.”

“Not before I met you. The only kid I knew before Chad was a friend’s. He was forced to give up a lot because of an unplanned pregnancy. I thought he’d ruined his life.”

“You think kids ruin lives?” She tries pushing me off.

I cup her face gently. “No, buttercup. The only thing that will fucking ruin me is not having you and Chad in my life.”

Her eyes mist over as she blinks. “So, a baby?” she breathes.

“If that’s what you want, we can keep trying.” My hand slides from her hip to her stomach, resting over her scar where she already carried one amazing child. At the thought of a piece of her and me growing inside her, my heart swells.

She giggles as I touch her stomach. “I’m not on the pill. I didn’t plan on being in a relationship. But I don’t know if?”

“It will happen,” I cut her off, knowing where she was headed.

“What makes you so confident?”

“I have good sperm,” I say with a wink.

She laughs, the sound light and playful. “Is that what you think?”

“It’s what I know.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Do you want to make a bet?”

I rub my jaw, a smirk forming, knowing that if we’re trying for a baby, I want something else too. “If I win, you marry me.”