I freeze, stunned, struggling to believe she actually said it. In this moment, everything else fades aways, all I can see is her. I’d follow her anywhere just to have a chance to talk things through.

“Can we go somewhere and talk?” I ask, realizing we’re still standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

“My place?” she asks.

I try to keep my voice steady as my heart pounds. “The new hangout.”

She rolls her eyes but smiles. “Stop making me feel old and just follow me.”

“I’ll drive.”

“I’ll direct.”

I hide a smile, relieved that she didn’t argue about it today. She pauses, looking at me intensely. I force myself to breathe and resist the urge to kiss her. Just because she wants to talk at her place doesn’t mean I’m forgiven yet. But I know she’s strong, and I want to make sure she knows she can lean on me, too.

When we reach my new Lambo, she stops, and gasps. “You brought it.”

“I did. Do you think Chad will like it?” I ask, picturing his reaction.

“Is that seriously a question? I’m more worried he’ll ask to drive it.”

I laugh, imagining his little face when he sees it. “He definitely won’t be allowed to do that.”

She climbs in and looks around the car. I wait, counting down in my head. Five…four…three…two…

“You didn’t,” she says when she spots the booster seat.

“I did.”


“Because I was hopeful that you’d forgive me if I begged you enough and didn’t give up on you.”

“Doesn’t mean you stick a booster seat in your sports car,” she teases, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

“Call it wishful thinking,” I joke.

She rolls her eyes, but I catch a hint of a smile. “You’ve really laid it on thick today.”

“It could be thicker if you’d let me,” I tease.

Her eyes widen, and her face turns crimson. “You’re terrible.”

“You said it,” I reply, grinning.

“I was talking about how much I’d tell you if I knew you wouldn’t be repulsed.”

As I drive, she directs me to her place. “I want to hear your thickest,” she says, with that glint in her eyes I’ve missed so much.

“Well, first, you need to stop talking about it because I’m already half?”

“Got it,” she cuts me off with a knowing smile.

I smirk, feeling a bit more confident now that I can see I’m getting through to her. “I’d tell you how much I miss you. How much I miss hearing your voice, seeing your face, hanging out with you, even doing the most basic tasks.”

“Keep going…” she prompts, and I catch a glimpse of the woman I'm head over heels in love with.

“I also miss Chad. He’s the coolest kid I know. When I got my car, all I wanted to do was drive over and show it to him. I know he’d love it, and just seeing him happy makes me happy.”