In the final minute, we get ahead and win. The stadium erupts in cheers, and Chad throws his arms around me, shouting, “We won!”

“Yeah, we did,” I say, hugging him tightly. I glance at Jemima, a contorted expression on her face.

As we leave the stadium, the atmosphere is still buzzing. “That was so cool! I want to go to the next game.” Chad’s voice is hoarse from all the cheering.

“You can’t go to every game, but I’ll take you again some other time,” Jemima offers.

“Will you come too?” Chad asks, looking up at me in question.

“If you want me to,” I reply, my heart swelling.

Jemima smiles, and Chad’s eyebrows pinch. “Yes, of course.”

We get into my car, and Chad settles into the car seat I had fitted just for him. He asks if we can drive a little faster on the way home, but Jemima quickly shuts that down.

When we arrive at her place, I walk them to the door, waving goodbye as they head inside. As I turn to leave, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Danny:I need another ten thousand.

Surely, he didn’t blow through ten thousand dollars already?

Chapter 31


The next day, Ifile the final paper, feeling the weight of the moment as I lay it down. I let out a long breath, sinking back into my chair, the tension in my shoulders finally starting to unknot. The neatly stacked financials sit in front of me. Everything is up to date, and with a new system, thanks to Harvey. I feel like I’m on track to make a really good profit.

I have two short meetings today, one with Jeremy about a party for his hospital event, and another with someone in a different state. I’m unsure if it’s something I can offer, but I figured I’d discuss and see if there’s any way to make it possible.

As I’m preparing, the sound of heavy footsteps brings a smile to my face before he even enters the room. The giddy feeling of a teenage crush never seems to get old. The first time we kissed on my front doorstep, Chad was blissfully unaware… but at the game, he encouraged it. Now I wonder will Chad feel confused? And what does it mean for my future with Harvey?

Harvey walks over to my side of the desk, grabs my chair, and turns it to face him. Leaning forward, he cages me in, and a piece of hair falls between his eyes. My hands itch to move it, so I push the hair back, keeping my hand on his head. He flashes me a half smile before leaning in and capturing my lips with his. I grip the back of his head harder at the base of his neck.

“Good morning,” he murmurs across my lips.

“Morning,” I breathe, still trying to catch my breath. I want to tell him he shouldn’t do that at work, but I’m the boss, and soon, he won’t be here. So, I indulge in the affection he offers. An innocent good morning kiss isn’t going to stop me from working. Why did I ever think I had to choose?

Because of my past trauma.

But no more. I kiss him briefly before he pulls back.

“I saw the meetings scheduled for today that I should attend, but I might need to duck out early. I have a meeting with my dad.”

I nod. “Why are you meeting him?”

“I want him to see the building where I want to open the consulting firm.”

“That’s exciting,” I say.

The way he talks about his dad and how he wants his opinion makes my heart bleed for Chad, since he won’t have that. It’s too early to know if Harvey will be that person, but God, I want it so badly that it worries me. He’s been great with Chad since their awkward first meeting. If Chad had Harvey as a role model, I wouldn’t be mad… Harvey is sweet, caring, ruthless in business when he needs to be and, most importantly he’s been trustworthy.

“I want to go through the business’s mission and vision, as well as your long-term goals. I think refreshing them will keep you on track for this place.”

I raise an eyebrow, biting back a smirk as he shifts back to business mode, as if he didn’t kiss me like a lover moments ago.

“Sure, I’m ready when you are.”

“I’ll go check my emails and be right back.”