Nanna broke the melancholy. “Come on everybody, I’ve got brunch waiting at Roul’s.”

River hesitated. “I should get back to Jade’s house.”

“Nonsense! Her house will keep, and you have to eat.”

River shook her head, but Nanna didn’t let her say another word.

“Roul, pick her up and cart her ass if she won’t come willingly.”

River threw her hands up in surrender as Roul stepped toward her. “Okay, okay, fine! No need to sick scary on me, sheesh.”

I thought I was the only one who noticed Roul’s wince until Jade wrapped an arm around his waist.

“He’s not scary. He’s a big marshmallow. They all are.” She reached up and patted his cheek.

My chest ached with a swell of love. Roul may be the biggest, the deadliest of us, but he was also fragile. And my mate defended him. I didn’t deserve her, but I would work every second for the rest of my life in the hope one day I might.


We were halfway throughbrunch when Luna arrived. She hugged me and gave River a fist bump.

“I saw the dude from this morning. You’re vicious, River.”

River laughed. “His mistake, breaking into Jade’s house like that.” She shrugged.

Now I really didn’t want to know what happened in my living room in the wee hours of the morning.

“Ghost is still grumbling about sanding the floor.”

“Not like he’ll be the one doing it.”

They both dissolved in laughter, and a pang hit my chest. I hadn’t had many close girlfriends. Kendal had been lovely, but I didn’t know if she liked me or if I was just the only other human on the compound. I wasn’t good at making friends. I talked too much, had little to no filter, and a dozen cats. None of which lent to easy friendships.

“Did you know about the movie sleepover last night?”

Luna’s eyes cut to mine. “There was a movie sleepover last night? And you didn’t invite us?”

I blushed and stammered. “Um… no…?”

Luna playfully swatted my arm. “I’m messing with you. But for real, if there’s another one, invite us. River has a Seductflix account and whoo!” She fanned her face.

“I already told her,” River said from across the table.

Luna nodded. “Good. Plus, she makes the best popcorn. She eats it basically all the time, so she should.”

“Told her that, too.”

I gave them both a genuine smile. “I will. I’d like that.”

River cut her eyes at Luna. “I’m here because I wanted to introduce myself. Why are you here?”

“Oh! Right.” Luna turned back to me. “The D.A. wants to talk to you again.”

My brows scrunched. “Why didn’t he call me?”

“He tried, but I guess you left your phone at Thurl’s?”

I patted my back pocket and found it empty. “Damn, I did.”