“How about now?”

I nodded. “Good. Fine. No more black spots.”

I didn’t notice the other people crowded into the bathroom until I looked up. Detective Chambers held the elbow of my attacker—a woman now that her hood was down and I could see her face. He shouted questions at her without waiting for an answer.

“Who are you? How did you get in here? Who sent you?”

The woman laughed, a manic sound that chilled my blood. Her eyes were wide, and her arms strained against the restraints. Before I registered what was happening. she’d broken free of his hold and slammed her head into the side of the sink. She managed another two hits before Chambers and Drake pulled her out of the room.

I stared at Luna in shock.

She shook her head. “Drugs.”

I nodded, struck mute by all that happened.

She stood and tugged me up with her. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“I still need to pee.”

She laughed and tugged me behind her. “We’ll find you another bathroom. And this time, I’m coming in with you.”


“Thurl, I need tobreathe.”

Jade’s muffled voice came from my chest, where I had her smooshed against me. I couldn’t let her go, couldn’t make my muscles unlock where I held her.

She turned her head to the side and took a deep breath.

“I’m okay.”

Her small hand patted and stroked my lower back.

“I’m okay,” she repeated.

“Ifeltit, Jade.” Emotion strangled my throat.

“I know. It’s okay now.”

At that moment, I wanted to say it would never be okay again. I knew I was overreacting. I had already been on edge with her gone, but when the pressure slammed into my neck I went into the fog. Every thought emptied from my head save one—get to Jade.

The stranglehold lasted mere seconds, but I’d made it to the fence when it loosened. My brothers surrounded me, having heard my roar when I took off. My brain kicked in when Roul grabbed my arm. I snapped at him, but stilled when he spoke.

“Tell us where we’re going.”

They weren’t questioning me or my need to get to her. I shook my head to clear it further and a phone rang. As one, our heads swiveled to look at Quin.

“What? We have allies now. It would be stupid not to carry a phone.” He pulled it from a small pack that was fastened around his waist. “Hello?” He listened and then looked at me. “It’s Luna. Jade’s fine. There was an incident at the police station, but it’s been handled. They’re on their way back now.”

When the SUV pulled through the gates, I nearly ripped the door from the hinges to get her into my arms. I heard the others talking, but my heart still pounded in my ears. “I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t, Thurl. I’m right here. Luna was with me. She saved me. I was protected.”

I snapped when a hand fell on my back. Drym backed away, his hands up in surrender.

“Take her home. You need to see that she is safe and unharmed.”

I shivered as the thoughts of what might have happened continued to torment my brain. She didn’t protest when I picked her up, but I felt her waving at the others behind my back as we left. I didn’t need to stay to discuss the incident. I knew Drym was right, and they would fill me in later.