Page 72 of Held By a Monster

I barreled through Behemoth and another shifter I had only met once before who stood outside the door. Drym let me go and as the door closed behind me, an intense shyness took over.

The two brunettes in front of me smiled and I waved.

“Hi!” I was breathless from my near run.

The slightly shorter one rushed forward and threw her arms around me.

“Hi back! I’m Virginia, that’s Gaelynn, and we are so happy to finally meet you!”

She released me and I saw Gaelynn shaking her head. “Don’t mind her. She’s thrilled we have another member of the S.M.C.”


Virginia laughed. “The Society Mates Club! We needed three to really call it a club. There aren’t many of us, you know. We’re a kind of recent phenomenon.”

“Oh, that’s right. I remember something about shifters’ fated mates being not a thing for a while?”

Gaelynn nodded. “Yeah, Fenrir pissed off the fates, but I guess he’s been forgiven. Either that, or they got sick of the work required to keep shifters from finding their mates.”

“My bet’s on the latter. I can’t imagine any pissed off woman forgiving that behavior.”

We both nodded at Virginia’s assessment.

She gasped and spun around. After digging in a gigantic bag for a minute, she emerged with a bundle of fabric. She shook out a t-shirt and grinned before handing it to me. It was a plain white tee with block letters on the back like a football jersey. It read “S.M.C.” and beneath that was my first name, followed by WF.

Tears sprang to my eyes as they turned around to show me the backs of their shirts. Virginia’s name was followed by WS and Gaelynn’s by BS. I knew right away they stood for wyrfang, wolf shifter and bear shifter.

When they turned back around, they were both grinning at me.

“Welcome to the first meeting of the SocietyMates Club.”


“Is it done? Isit really over?”

Drym nodded, a huge grin splitting his lips.

It took five months, but we managed to track down all of the other members of Mr. Blue's hunting club.

It actually only took a few hours for Bull to ferret out their real identities. Once we knew Mr. Blue's real name, those associated with him were easier to find. The other two main assholes—Mr. Red and Mr. Yellow—were the easiest, but Bull's skill was impressive and he found them all, right down to Mr. E and Mr. F.

What took longer was running them to ground. Turns out, rich assholes have a lot of resources to call up when they know they're being hunted.

The wyrfangs finally got their international mission. A couple of the targets escaped to other countries, but with Zeus's help (and his private jet) the 'fangs made swift work of them.

Mr. C evaded the longest. He was smarter than the others and went completely off grid. Cashed out his bank accounts and disappeared into South America.

I still didn't know how Bull located him. When I asked he mumbled something about owing Bacon three pounds of mealworms.

Drym and his brothers had been gone for a week. They couldn't move fast through thick jungle and remain hidden.

But now, they were back, crowded around me in the common hall. And I never had to worry the men who hunted me would do it to another woman ever again.

I launched myself into his arms and he caught me.

Quin shouted, “Group hug!” and the others moved close, wrapping their arms around us as well.

I laughed and squeezed Drym harder. My heart burst with happiness. Not only at the rich assholes all being dead, but because the once touch avoidant 'fangs were now cuddlier than a pile of puppies.