Page 65 of Held By a Monster

His lips drew back in a snarl. “You were arrogant enough to create us. You of all people should know that there is no situation we can’t win.”

“I will kill her!”

He shoved us forward a step and before I could blink, the gun fell away. I wasted no time sprinting into Roul’s open arms.He caught me and shoved me behind him, but I peeked around his massive body and grinned.

I stepped to the side so Robert could see me. “I told you they would kill you all.”

His shoulder was almost separated from his body, the gun useless on the floor. Behind him stood Drym, who had his hand wrapped around the director’s throat. I felt stupid for never looking up. The office ceiling was open to the floor below.

“They have only killed me and my men. This is so much bigger than any of you know.”

In a low growl next to Robert’s ear, Drym said, “Give us time.”

Then he drew the tip of a claw across the man’s throat and stepped over him as he dropped to the floor. I threw myself at him and he caught me, wrapped his big arms around me and held me tight.

“You are truly unharmed?”

I chuckled in his ruff. “You would know if they’d hurt me.”

“A wise woman once told me that times like these weren’t for logic.”

I wrapped a hand around his muzzle and kissed the end of his nose. “That was an intelligent woman, indeed.”

I laughed as he swung me into his arms and carried me down a set of rickety stairs to the warehouse floor. I blinked against the light as he stepped outside, but I could still see the other four wyrfangs and five members of Superhuman Security standing around a group of mercenaries who were on their knees with their hands behind their heads.

Drym joined them. He didn’t put me down and I didn’t protest. As far as I was concerned, he could hold me until the end of time. Or at least until I needed to pee.

“What happens to them?” I directed my question at no one in particular, but it was Zeus who answered.

“The council will decide.”

He shrugged like he didn’t care one way or the other, and I found I didn’t either. They’d had a hand in keeping Drym and others confined, so they were as guilty as the rest.

“I guess y’all are the ones who brought the flamethrower?”

The shifters looked confused, and then Wasp dissolved into fits of laughter. Even Zeus chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

Zeus shook his head. “We don’t own a flamethrower.”


They didn’t seem inclinedto explain to Kendal, so I did. “They brought a dragon.”

Her head fell back against my bicep and she scanned the skies before her face scrunched up. “I can’t believe I missed seeing a fucking dragon.”

Everyone laughed. Instinctively, I scanned the sky as well, even though I knew the sleek black supernatural had left after we breached the door. Even had we gone through the loading doors, he wouldn’t have been able to fit inside.

I didn’t wait for the others as I made my way back through the woods to where the shifters left their vehicles. My brothers would help wrangle thesurviving men.

I set her gently in the back of the SUV and ran my hands down her limbs. The scrape on her shin looked bad, but she assured me she was fine. I’d still have Quin look at it when we got home.

Her hand tilted my face up and she smiled. “I’m okay, Drym. I knew you would come for me, but I was so scared you wouldn’t get my message.”

“We knew it was a trap, but the scratching on my arm slowed me enough to not barrel inside without thought or reason.” I leaned into her touch. “You cleared the fog.”

She ran her hands down my neck and chest. “And now it’s over.”