Page 63 of Held By a Monster

“They will kill you all.”

His thin lips spread into that evil grin again.

“Not with you as an incentive to ensure their cooperation.”

He glanced at his watch and stood. “Drink your water. They will be here soon and I need to show them that behaving results in your good care.”

The insinuation that misbehaving resulted in bad treatment of me hung in the air.

“I see you understand. Good.” The door clicked shut behind him.

Think Kendal, think. There has to be a way to warn them.

I dropped my head into my hands and my eyes snagged on the bloody scrape slashed across my leg. I laid my forearm across my thighs and took a deep breath. Then I scratched a word into my skin, over and over, and hoped like hell he figured it out.


I slid to astop just inside the tree line around the warehouse. I had to be smart about this. I needed to ensure Kendal wasn’t hurt while I rescued her.

The building was dark. The parking lot around it cracked from the weeds that struggled to survive in the tiny spaces where dirt met air.

The side facing me held a small door. The glass of its small window was smashed, but the wire between the panes still held the last of the shards.

My right ear flicked back as my brothers slid to a stop behind me. They fanned out in a line, Kragen on my right and Roul to my left. My head swung left first, but Roul’s focus never wavered from the warehouse.

Kragen shook his head. “It’s a trap, Drym.”

“I know.” For the past few minutes, the word ‘trap’ scratched across the skin of my forearm. My sweet, beautiful mate was warning me.

“We should call in the shifters.”

I swung my head to our de facto leader. “We don’t need them.”

He shook his head. “No, but their presence might make Willis think twice about his plan.

“Not with his two get out of jail free cards, as Bull called them.”

“We don’t know what waits for us inside.”

I growled, low in my throat. “My mate waits for us.” I sat back on my haunches. “But we can’t approach this without a plan.”

Kragen took a deep breath. “We need intel. We need to know the size and location of the force inside.”

I dipped my nose. “We need Zeus.”

Roul’s heavy hand landed on my shoulder. “They are on their way. Cavi and Quin, wait for them at the road.”

The tips of his claws dug into me and earned my attention.

“If you feel her being hurt, we will not wait.”

I nodded, even though everything inside me roared. My mate was a few hundred yards away. No cell in my body wanted to wait.


My head dropped backagainst the couch cushion. After finishing the water, I’d laid back down. The room still spun, but it had slowed down. I had to believe my message had been received. I couldn’t hear a commotion, and the warehouse floor was just as empty as I first saw it.

Our bond lights bunched tightly together. Drym was close, but waiting. The ‘fangs were bred for this, raised for this. I trusted they knew what they were doing.