Page 59 of Held By a Monster

“Willis didn’t flinch when I revealed that we’d unearthed his secrets. I knew then he was dangerously powerful. That he feels untouchable.”

“Those two endorsements are certainly why. Even if brought before the entire Society council, he could say he thought the fae were speaking on their behalf. No one in normal government would dare question him.”

Zeus and Bull shared a look. “I think it’s time for the full council to meet the wyrfangs.”


“I’m going with you.”

I’d taken Kendal outside and we walked silently deep into the woods. I tried to prepare arguments against her statement, but I couldn’t seem to think of any.

The truth was, I wanted her by my side.

I nodded. “Of course.”

She stopped and stared up at me. “I thought you’d fight it.”

I carefully cupped her cheeks in my palms. “Unless the risk is too great, I want you with me, always.”

Zeus, Bull, and Wasp left hours ago. Society council’s next meeting was in two days. Enough time for me to see the building site Kendal picked for us, and exploreour new home.

It was surreal. This property, this haven, was ours. We would pay Zeus back as we could by helping him with cases which called for our unique talents. Zeus assured us he needed no payment, but we wouldn’t feel right not giving back.

Even now security fencing was going up around the perimeter of the preserve. The fence kept humans out, but allowed wildlife to roam freely. The forest behind Kendal’s apartment wasn’t even half the size of this one.

I’d spent most my life in a small, translucent box, being watched. No privacy. No autonomy.

Freedom was overwhelming.

Kragen and Cavi adjusted well. Quin masked every emotion with a hefty dose of humor, so it was hard to tell what his true feelings were. Thurl and Roul struggled. Their singular purpose was aggression. They both were learning a new way of living. It wouldn’t be an easy transition for them.

That night I would tell Roul about Isabelle. Zeus cautioned against it, but my brothers and I didn’t keep secrets. Whether it helped or caused further hurt was yet to be seen. Either way, we would stand beside him.

Going from captivity to this wide-open space was jarring. I expected at any moment for it to be taken away. Nets to fall from the sky, tranquilizer darts to fly from all directions. I knew it would take time for it to feel real. Even longer for it to feel safe.

I hoped Kendal would ease my way.

It might be unfair to put such a burden on her.

“I rely on you, perhaps too much.”

Her brows came together. “What do you mean?”

“I see you as a lifeline. As a tether to the reality of freedom and safety.”

She wrapped both arms around me and pressed her cheek to my chest. “You are my lifeline, too. You rescued me and have kept me safe.” Her inhale shuddered. “You are my home.”

I nuzzled her neck and she giggled.

“Cold nose.”

I swiped my tongue along the curve of her collarbone, up to trace her jaw. She sighed and leaned into me.

“No one’s around, right? None of the others are close?”

I tilted my head and listened. “No, they aren’t close.”

“Good.” She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, then pushed her pants and underwear down. She shimmied out of her bra and stood naked in front of me, like a wood nymph queen.