“I picked fairly common names, so I hope you don’t hate them.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“Once you choose what name goes with what wyrfang, you shouldn’t swap. Pick a name and stick with it.”
“I understand.”
I’m glad Kragen did. The only thing keeping me from shredding the table in frustration was Kendal pressed to my side. Roul’s hands were clenched in tight fists, Cavi had shrunk in on himself and the others weren’t faring much better.
We left the room in a single file, with Kendal pausing at the door. “How long will you and your brothers need to go over the binders?”
“Four days.”
She seemed shocked at my answer, but didn’t question it. She addressed Zeus from the doorway. “Meet again in five days? Same time?”
“That’s fine.” He looked around at his team. “I’ll make sure most of them stay home.”
She smiled, and a zing of jealousy stabbed my belly.
“Thank you.” She nodded and then tilted her head to look up at me.
Her smile widened, and her eyes sparkled, erasing the jealousy completely.
“Let’s go home.”
I kept my hand on her lower back as we made our way from the building. When we arrived back at the cave, I set the binders and envelopes on the table and then swept her into my arms.
She squealed and swatted my chest playfully. I buried my nose deep into her hair and took several long, deep breaths. The world righted itself and I could think again.
My brothers were already digging into the envelopes by the time I could set Kendal on her feet.
Kragen distributed them randomly. “If you’re seriously opposed to the name you got, we can trade.”
Roul was the first to open his. “Butch Fisher. I like it.”
Kendal giggled. “Butch suits you.”
My brother grunted, but I saw him stand a little taller. One by one, the others opened their envelopes and read their official names. The shifter chose well, and everyone was happy with the aliases. Not that we would use them outside the normal world.
The identifications provided included a picture. I wasn’t sure where Bull found the people depicted, but he chose well. They appeared to be strong, military type men. It would have been awkward if one of us was supposed to look like some of thescrawny scientists at the lab. I didn’t think any of us could pull off meek or mild-mannered.
We turned our attention to Bacon’s binders and Thurl rubbed at his neck.
“Kendal, would you mind reading in my place?”
“Of course not.” She held out her hand and he gently set the binder on her palm.
I saw the relief course through him.
“Thank you.”
She didn’t ask why he didn’t want to read, or tease him. She just gave him a smile and opened the book.
He stepped back, giving her a look of adoration, and my heart swelled for her. She didn’t know he’d lost sight in one eye years ago. She didn’t know how self-conscious he was.
She just stepped in to help.
It took everything I had to not grab her and swing her around in joy. My mate was perfect. She was kind, and brave, and everything I never knew I needed.