“Do you believe her?”
I sucked in a breath. In a small voice I answered, “I do.”
“Would you tell me? I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
There was a certain vulnerability in the way he asked. Like he wanted me to trust him with my demons, but he also didn’t want to push too hard. It cracked my heart wide open, and all my trauma and fear came pouring out.
“I was walking to my car after work and a van pulled up next to me. I didn’t think anything of it at first. It’s a public parkinglot so strange cars are often parked there. I only looked over when I heard the side door open.
“Two men jumped out. They had masks and gloves on. I remember thinking I had to fight, but I never got the chance. They were too strong. Something was shoved against my face and everything went dark.”
I swallowed hard. I think if Drym had made the tiniest sound, I wouldn’t have been able to continue. But he didn’t.
“When I woke up, I was in the basement. The others—Sarah, Grace, and Catherine—were standing in their cages staring at me. Catherine was quiet. She’d been there the longest. Grace greeted me with a smile and said, ‘Welcome to hell!’ in a cheery voice even as tears streaked down her face.
“I asked them what was going on, but before they could answer three men walked in. Two of them were obviously powerful. They walked like they owned the world. The third carried a clipboard and took notes as the other two spoke.
“They were…”
I choked on a sob, and Drym’s arms tightened around me.
“They were giving us numbers. I didn’t realize until later it was the order they’d hunt us. Catherine knew. She pressed herself against the bars and spit at them, hurled curses and even reached an arm through to try and grab them.
“Sarah cowered in the back of her cell, her knees tucked to her chest and her head down.” I shook my head. “She presented no challenge. That’s what they said about her.”
Drym’s hand smoothed up and down my back and I tried to relax my shoulders and fists.
“They took her first. I kept thinking they were just going to rape her, and she’d be back. That we’d work out a way to escape together.
“They took Grace three days later. She walked out with her head held high. I don’t think she played their game. We could hear the dogs just outside. Could hear her screaming at them, saying she refused to run.”
I took a deep breath.
“The crack of the gunshot was so loud.”
I swiped my wet cheeks on Drym’s chest.
“After that, they told us the rules of the game. If we made it to the perimeter of their hunting area, we’d be free. Neither of us thought that was true. Catherine flat out told them it was bullshit, but they insisted. Told us the perimeter was marked with plastic tape tied around trees.
“We both knew they didn’t want a repeat of Grace. It was no fun for them if we didn’t run. What’s a hunt where the prey gives up?” I snorted.
“That didn’t mean I wasn’t going to try. I expected to be next, but they took Catherine instead. Before she passed through the doorway she looked back at me. Determination was etched in every one of her muscles. We nodded at each other, and then she was gone.
“I think that was the worst part. Watching as one by one they were led out and never returned. Seeing our numbers dwindle and knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it.
“We tried. We dug at the window casings, but they were metal set into stone. We tried to lure the guards close enough to grab them. We tried to find anything we could use as a weapon.
“Every time a thought didn’t work, or a plan failed, our hope dimmed. When they came to lead me out, I didn’t look back. As soon as my feet hit the dirt outside, I took off. I ran as fast as I could, knowing I wouldn’t be fast enough.”
I wrapped my arms around Drym’s neck.
“My mind knew it was hopeless, but my body wouldn’t give up. I would be dead if it weren’t for you. Some rich asshole’s prize to brag about with other rich assholes.”
“I am glad beyond measure that you found me, Kendal.”
I looked into my monster’s eyes and said, “Not nearly as glad as I am you found me.”
Drym kept his word. Every night that week, just after full dark, the gentle knock came at my door. Every night he held me, cradled in his arms. Never once did he push for more.