Page 21 of Held By a Monster

The boss, Zeus, recovered first. “I think you should start from the beginning.”

I felt both Kragen and Drym stiffen. I hadn’t known them long, but I’d spent enough time to know that talking about the lab and what happened during their escape wasn’t something they enjoyed.

I reached out and laid my hand on Kragen’s forearm. “I won’t presume to speak for you, but if it would be easier for me to lay out the basics, I’m happy to do it.”

Drym’s arms squeezed around me, and Kragen visibly relaxed.

“Thank you, Kendal.”

I nodded. “Interrupt me if I miss something or get important details wrong.”

His nose dipped in acknowledgment.

I spent a moment struggling with Drym’s arms to gain more freedom. I knew he was trying to protect me, but I didn’t want to speak to these Society members while muffled behind a huge, furred forearm. I took a deep breath when he relented and dropped his hands to my hips.

“I guess I should introduce myself. As you assumed, I’m Kendal McPherson, and I met the wyrfangs when one of them helped me escape from a bad situation.” I chuckled at my understatement. “I haven’t known them long, but I can tell you they are honorable, but most of all, they are worthy of your help.

“The wyrfangs were created in a laboratory. They are a hybrid of werewolf and dragon DNA.”

One of them gasped and one other stiffened. Zeus’s face turned thunderous.

“It’s illegal and unethical to combine Society DNA in such a manner.”

“Yes, well,” I waved at Kragen and Drym, “obviously it being illegal didn’t stop them.”

“The council would never condone such a thing.” Zeus slashed his hands through the air as he spoke.

“That’s good to know, but our existence is proof the council’s reach isn’t infinite,” Kragen growled and then waved me to continue.

“They were created and raised to be weapons—an elite combat unit. They were kept in captivity and routinely tortured in the name of science or training.” I shuddered. “I’ll let you fill in the blanks on their trauma. Anything you imagine is probably better than what they endured.”

“What is the name of this laboratory? Who are these people?”

I appreciated that Zeus looked like he would rip them apart if they were in front of him.

“The company name was BioSynth Defense Solutions, but if they’re smart, they won’t use it anymore. The brothers don’t know who was in charge of the facility or the research. They always used proxies, but from the level of surveillance they talk about, I imagine the big wigs were always watching.”

Zeus nodded. “Where is this lab? Do they know anyone who worked there?”

Kragen answered. “Gone. Only one employee survived—the one who helpedus escape.”

The bear who’d been asked to bring his mate bit out, “Good.”

The others nodded. I relaxed when they didn’t scream murder or look horrified so many died.

Zeus speared his fingers through his hair. “Kendal, you’re right. If they’re smart, they’ll ditch the company name and start over. Some government entities aren’t smart, though, so we’ll begin our search there. I’ll need to contact the council about this.” He sighed and met their eyes.

“I’ll be honest with you. This is a mess. The council will surely bring you into the fold, but I can’t say what they’ll do with you. Neither weres nor dragons possess native magic for you to learn to conceal your appearance, and since our existence remains largely a secret to normals, that’s a concern.

“There are other, similarly challenged species who live in protected areas, so that’s an option. There are also witches who might craft a glamour to hide you, but glamours don’t alter height and even that will make you stand out among normals.

“Ideally you’ll be given land nearby for a protected area, identities to use online, and bank accounts to get you started with whatever you need.”

He waved a hand in front of him. “But that’s a discussion for another time. The priority is finding the people behind BioSynth and making them pay.”

Kragen shook his head. “We are more interested in ensuring they can’t repeat their experiments than in revenge.”

I felt Drym rumble behind me and Kragen smirked in his direction.