Page 8 of Held By a Monster

I pulled on his horns until he slid up to lie next to me. He licked his lips.

“None of the others smelled like you. None of the others made me want to taste. Why do you smell so good? Why do you taste like honeysuckle?”

“Um… probably because I’m turned on and you just gave me an incredible orgasm?”

His snout tipped down and he inhaled. “I want to do it again.”

I grabbed his ear before he could move. “Hang on, big guy. I get to play too.”

His head cocked in the most adorable way, betraying the canine portion of his DNA. I scooted until my hand brushed against his cock and he jerked. “Shh, it’s okay.”

He watched what I did with glowing eyes. I ran my fingers over his length, the skin warm and soft over a rigid core. The spikes were flexible, but not floppy. They felt like cartilage. My already drenched pussy flooded.

It wasn’t easy to get a good grip on him with the spikes, but I figured out how to wrap my fingers between them and squeezed. I couldn’t tell if his sharp intake of breath was pleasure or pain so I looked into his eyes and found them hooded. “Yes?” I asked.

“Yes,” he groaned.

I twisted and slid my hand to his base before reversing course to the head. It was slick with pre-cum. I gathered it in my palm and let it ease my hand’s movement. The third time I hit the base, I felt something new. The area around the upper edges of his slit opening was bigger. I got closer to get a better look at the now pronounced bump. I ran my fingers lightly around it and Drym gasped.

“What is this?”

“My opening. Our cocks stay hidden, like a dragon’s.”

“I gathered as much. I mean, why is this part getting bigger?” I was fascinated.

“That is my vestigial knot.”

I stilled. “Your what now?”

He chuckled. “My vestigial knot. The scientists talked a good deal about our anatomy. The wolves they used for our DNA knot their partners, locking them together. We don’t have a true knot, but we develop this bump at the top of our slits.”

After a bit of mental calculation, I swallowed. That bump would be about clit level if they were to have penetrative sex. “How long does it stay?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve never come inside a partner.”


Her delicious smell intensifiedand I knew more liquid coated her cunt. Her body was easing the way for me, and it took locking every muscle to keep from plowing into her.

I couldn’t keep from touching her, but when I tried again to lower my snout, she held me still. I did the next best thing and wrapped my tail around her thigh, prodding at her bundle of nerves with the sensitive tip.

She jerked forward with a gasp and whipped her head around, trying to see what I was doing with wide eyes. “What is that?”

“My tail. Since you won’t let me lap at the honeysuckle making my mouth water, I will coat my tail in it.”

I slid the soft underside scales along the length of her; the warmth combining with her hand on my cock forcing my eyes closed in ecstasy. Her hand jerked tight when I pushed inside her, flicking against her inner walls.

She whimpered, her other hand grabbing my shoulder as she turned onto her side toward me.

The new position closed her legs, and that wouldn’t do. I grabbed the back of her knee and drew her leg up and over mine, spreading her wide and giving me plenty of access. Her scent flooded the cave and I slurped at the drool flooding my mouth.

I pushed my tail deeper and her hand spasmed as if she’d lost control of her movements. I should stop. She’d been traumatized, caged for weeks. I pushed my nose next to her ear, inhaling her scent.

“Tell me to stop now, or I am going to fuck you.” I held still, waiting for her to stop me.

She wiggled in my arms, her voice low when she finally said, “Don’t stop.”

I raised her chin with a finger and stared into her desire clouded eyes. “You are sure?”