Page 68 of Held By a Monster

Her eyes swung to the offending seating and she frowned. “I’m sorry. We should have thought of that.”

Kragen spoke again. “We prefer to stand.”

Cora nodded, but she still looked upset about the oversight. I liked her. Her deep southern accent was familiar, and she was quick to smile. The fact that it seemed she was genuinely upset that the ‘fangs couldn’t sit sealed it for me. Anyone who cared about their comfort like that was okay in my book.

She spoke in a language I didn’t know while holding her palms toward the long side wall of the room. Six bright blue circles appeared, evenly spaced down the length. They grew wider and taller until they were ovals spanning from the ceiling to the floor. Embers of white sparked from the swirling edges.

I’d never seen anything like it.

One by one, individuals stepped through the portals. Each of them scanned the room, and they all stopped in their tracks when they saw Drym and his brothers. As they recovered from their initial surprise, they moved toward the table.

The portals winked out behind them, and Cora turned her glowing hands toward the table. It stretched and opened like a clam, going from round to a half circle, the chairs lined up on the other side.

The council members took their seats and faced us. I knew the ‘fangs spread out behind me. I could feel their tension. My chair, which was neatly tucked under the round table, now stood in the center of the room.

I felt a little exposed. The way they were all staring at us made me feel like we were facing an inquisition.

Cora broke the silence. “Fellow council members, let me introduce the wyrfangs.

She started at one end of the line and moved to the other.

“Kragen, Roul, Thurl, Drym, Quin, and Cavi.”

I was impressed she remembered their names and who was who since they’d shifted so Drym could stand behind me when I took my seat.

Cora turned and faced the council. “Society is represented on this council by Ikram, the dragon representative...”

The large man at the center of the table inclined his head.

I mumbled, “Damn it.”

I heard Drym chuckle behind me and knew that he’d guessed that I was pouting because I was being denied seeing a dragon. Again.

She pointed to our far left. “By Tyree Greene, the shifter representative…”

The gorgeous dark-skinned man nodded before Cora shifted her hand to the woman next to him.

“By Khuc, the undead representative,” Cora’s hand shifted down the line as she introduced the others. “By Cesetrios, the cryptid representative, by Osharus, the mer representative, and by Nindrol Zinvaris, representative of the fae.”

My eyes narrowed on the thin man at the end of the table. His slicked-back, jet black hair exposed the tips of his pointed ears. The ‘fangs erupted into growls behind me, and I saw the fae’s lips tip up at the corners.

He wouldn’t find it so amusing when they ripped his heart from his chest.

While we were staring at the fae who’d authorized Willis’ experiments, Ikram spoke.

Broad chested and smartly dressed in a dark suit, you could imagine he was the CEO of a powerful company. Until his voice rolled over me like sharp gravel. I changed my mind. He was more mafia don than upper management.

“Who is the woman?”

Drym’s heavy hand landed on my shoulder.

“My mate.”

His tone made it clear that was the end of the discussion.


My muscles coiled, readyto leap over Kendal and defend her if they made a move against her, but the dragon simply dipped his chin and moved his gaze to Kragen.