Her voice changed, her tone clipped and professional as she barked commands. “Stand and turn.”
I was slow to follow her directions, but I followed them.
To the room at large she cataloged me like a prize possession.
“Subject two appears in good health and condition. No obvious wounds. Scales and fur bright and shiny. Eyes glowing appropriately.” She tapped her pen against the side of the clipboard. “Open your mouth.”
I dropped my jaw, adding a growl to my performance for those who watched.
“Teeth intact.”
Without another word, she left. It was deathly silent. I was the only living thing inside this soundproofed room. My heart pined for Kendal. I focused on our bond; the lights pulsing at my attention. I hope she saw them flicker. I hope she knew I was sending her love and comfort.
I felt neither of those things. For the first time in my life, I was alone. Loneliness was a miserable emotion.
Our bond lights pulsedand somehow I knew it was Drym. He was okay. I relaxed a fraction and let myself take in the majesty in front of me.
The property was a small preserve not far outside Damruck. A gravel road sliced through the middle of dense forest and ended at a long structure that was used for gatherings.
The inside was dusty and stagnant from disuse, but the windows along both sides were functional. A giant fireplace stood at the opposite end. There was enough room inside for all six wyrfangs to be comfortable, plus quite a few other supernaturals and (I hoped one day) humans.
The floors were beautiful, wide plank heart pine. I could easily envision what a good cleaning and a coat of paint would do.
It was perfect.
“Are there any houses?”
Zeus shook his head. “No, but there are building sites already mapped and perk tested. I thought each of them would want to choose their floor plan and architecture style.”
“That’s probably wise. We’ll need to give them options. The sheer number of house plans available would be overwhelming. Maybe three options in each style? They can narrow them down from there.”
“So, you approve?”
“I very much approve. I’m not sure how we’ll afford this, though.”
“Like I said before, the council will foot the bill, and what they don’t cover, I will. We take care of our own.”
I nearly sagged in relief. It was a dream come true in a lot of ways. Plenty of land for the ‘fangs to run and be free. The ability to choose whichever house plan suited each of their needs and personalities. Far enough off the beaten path to not be bothered, but close enough to let me go to town when I needed.
I spun a slow circle until I faced Zeus again. I grinned. “We’ll take it.” Then I gasped and threw my hand over my mouth. “I mean, one sec!” I skipped outside with a giddy smile. “So… what do you think, guys?”
The five of them looked at each other. Kragen spoke for them. “Do you think it’s appropriate? Do you think it will fit our needs?”
I nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“Then we agree. We have no frame of reference for these things. We trust you Kendal.”
Four words that made my eyes leak. I wasn’t sure anyone had said they trusted me before. My parents certainly didn’t, rest their souls. Don’t get me wrong, I loved them, but they expected a rebellious daughter and I wasn’t. I got good grades and always made curfew. They still questioned me about where I was and who I was with.
It didn’t matter that I led a very boring life during my teen and young adult years. It wasn’t until after they were killed in a car accident that I let myself loose a bit. I spent a good year getting tipsy every night in bars across town. The seedier the better.
Until I got sick of being hungover every day.
I’d like to think I reached a happy middle. I was no monk, but I wasn’t hanging out with biker gangs anymore either.
I guess instead of motorcycles and leather my tastes had changed to fur and horns.