Cavi gave a more appropriate answer after they stared at me for longer than was comfortable.
“They used a drone. Sedative darts followed by nets subdued him.”
His eyes flicked to me.
“He surrendered without a fight. We learned long ago to save our strength for the opening they will eventually give him.”
I was shaking my head. “No, we aren’t waiting. We’re going after him.” I flopped onto the couch and started pulling my boots on.
“We planned for this outcome, Kendal.”
Zeus was using his ‘calm down little lady’ voice and I was having none of it.
“You planned for them knowing about the meeting? No. You didn’t. The fae was just supposed to see him. This was an ambush! How did they know to set it up? How were they ready with a god damn drone?”
Everyone’s eyes swung from me to Zeus.
“Aymar knew about them, and that they’d escaped. When I contacted him, he guessed I was going to tell him about them, so he told his superiors about the meet.” He shook his head. “Since the wyrfangs’ existence was kept secret, the only way I could have known about them was if I’d seen one or been told about them. They sent the team, in the hopes I’d lead them to you. I should have known better, but it doesn’t matter now. What’s done is done.”
“We’re going in and getting him.”
His heavy hand fell on my shoulder and I shrugged it off, not wanting anyone to touch me.
“Yes, we are. But not tonight. He needs time to gather information we need.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “How much time?”
Zeus looked at Cavi, who looked at Quin, who rolled his eyes. “He asked for a week.”
“A week?”
Even Bacon winced at my screech.
“Fuck no. I’m not going to sit around for a week while he’s in some hell site of a lab being tortured.”
“They won’t torture him.” Everyone looked at Cavi. “They’ll want to capture us all before we’re punished.” His voice dropped. “They’ll want us to see each other in pain. To drive home the hopelessness of another escape attempt.”
“Well that’s not fucking happening! It’s bad enough they got Drym. They aren’t getting the rest of you.” I jumped up andstomped across my living room and back, every other step a heavyclompsince I’d only managed to get one boot on.
I poked my index finger into the hard muscle of Zeus’s chest. “And how did this happen, anyway? I thought your contact was supposed to come alone.”
He rubbed at his abused pec. “He did. They followed him. He was just as shocked as we were. Probably because he fears repercussions. The fae won’t take kindly to him sharing secrets outside class.”
“Well, at least we know a fae is definitely in cahoots with BioSynth.” I sat back down, sinking into the well-worn back of my hand-me-down couch. “What do we do now?”
“You’re going to hate it.”
I cut my eyes at Cavi. “I already do.”
“We wait.” Zeus held up a hand before I could protest. “And we prepare. I need to bring in a couple of specialized team members to confer with Kragen and the rest of the wyrfangs.
“In the interim, I think I can solve at least one problem.”
“Oh, which one is that?” I side-eyed the werewolf.
“The one regarding your apartment being too small. Bull found what looks to be a perfect property. We just need your and the brothers’ approval before we sign the contract.”
“Finally, some good news.” I perked up and shoved on my other boot. I was at the door before I noticed they weren’tfollowing me. “What are we waiting for?” I snapped my fingers. “Real estate waits for no man. Or woman. Or wyrfang.”