“There are spaces in the front of the building.”
“My… um…” I wracked my brain for what to call them. I didn’t think monsters would go over well. “Companions have a sensitive… uh… complexion.”
I smacked my palm against my face. They didn’t know I was bringing anyone with me. I hoped my dumb move blowing the surprise wouldn’t bite us in the ass.
The pause from the speaker was so long I thought he would tell us to park in the front again. I was surprised when the metal gate rattled upward.
Near identical black SUVs filled most of the spaces. A few random other cars were neatly lined up on one side. I pulled the big van into a space near them, high five-ing myself when I got out and saw I did a decent job. Nobody would want to park on either side of me, but I was in the lines. Mostly.
I had my hand on the handle of the back door when a low voice made me gasp and whirl around.
Three big, intimidating men stood in front of me.
I guessed it was a universal thing that supernaturals could appear out of thin air.
The plan was towait in the van until the last possible moment, and then join Kendal as she walked into the building.
As soon as I heard her gasp and smelled three unfamiliar scents I was out the door and in front of her, my hackles raised. Kragen was on my heels, taking a similar position on her other side.
“What the actual fuck?”
The creatures stepped back, pulling guns from wherever they’d been hidden. Seeing them put me on higher alert. I growled a low warning. Our hybrid DNA made us impervious to most weapons. Bullet wounds would heal, but they still hurt.
Before I knew what she was doing, Kendal slipped between us and marched toward the otherthree.
“Hey! Put that shit away. I was invited!”
The one in the middle cracked a smile. “So you were. Kendal McPherson, I presume?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. I didn’t like her so close to them, so I snaked a hand around her waist and pulled her back. The creature kept speaking.
“My name is Reinar Hilbertson. I own Superhuman Security.” He waved a hand around to indicate the building. “I’m also a werewolf. These are my colleagues,” he swung his hand to his left, “Vital Benoit, werebear,” his hand swung right, “and Alexi Makarovich, also a werebear. We most often go by our code names.” He pointed to himself, then at each bear in turn. “Zeus, Behemoth, and Russia.”
My ears pinned back to my head and my growl got louder. I shoved Kendal behind me despite herhumphof protest.
Kragen moved in front of both of us, closing half the distance between us and the others. “Kragen and Drym, wyrfangs.”
“Wyrfangs? I’ve never heard of your species.”
Kragen dipped his head. “We’re new.”
The one called Behemoth cocked his head. “Crossbreed?”
“Created,” Kragen answered.
The three gave each other shocked looks.
“Should I be worried for my people’s safety?”
He was clever to ask.
“Not unless you plan to attack us. We seek only answers, not bloodshed.”
“Right,” the werewolf said. “I think we should take this upstairs where we can sit down.”
He led us through a thick steel door and my anxiety ramped up. Kragen and I could probably break through it, but the effort would leave Kendal open to attack. I felt much better when we entered an open space.