Page 33 of Baby Contract

“You think Robert Remington is going to keep it up for you?”

Her eyebrows shoot upward. “He has to. I’m the mother of his baby. He has to pay me money every month.”

“Only if you’re the primary custodian, but if he has primary custody, then you have to pay him.” Violet has stopped crying and is sucking quietly on the pacifier.

“What are you talking about? That’s not how it works.” Megan’s voice starts to rise.

I motion for her to cut it out, pointing to Violet. Megan presses her lips together but keeps her mouth shut.

“Yes, that is how it works. Child support is paid by the parent who doesn’t have the child with them.” Megan shakes her head violently.

“It’s true, miss,” Errol chimes in. “You can look it up on the internet.” He hands her his phone, which must have the search results for her. She flips through a couple of screens and then staggers back. Errol helps her to a chair.

“What did Remington promise you?”

“He said he would give me one million dollars, but if I have the baby, I figured I’d be able to get thousands a month. I read one athlete’s wife got $40,000 a month.”

“Is Remington marrying you?”

Megan nibbles on one of her fingernails.

“I’m going to take your silence as a no. Also, child support ends when the baby is eighteen. Why don’t you call him?” I suggest. It’s a gamble, but I think hearing from Remington is the only way Megan will be convinced.

Errol hands over his phone. Megan lifts her chin and sniffs. “You’re going to give me that baby when I’m done.”

I won’t, but I figure I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I’m banking on Remington being the ass I know he is.

The administrator patches Megan through, and Remington’s curt voice comes through the speaker. “Who is it?”

“Bobby, it’s Meggie.”


“Meggie. Megan, the mother of your child.”

“I don’t have any kids.”

“What do you mean you have no kids?” she starts screeching. I shake my finger in warning at Megan as Violet shifts against my chest. Megan glares at me but lowers her voice. “You offered me one million dollars for her a month ago.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Megan, but you’re often on drugs, so I’m just assuming that you’re high right now and having delusions. When you come down and you want some of my dick again, give me a call. I might be available.” He hangs up.

Megan stumbles backward, and Errol rushes over to catch her before she tumbles on her ass. He half-carries her to a nearby chair. The phone clatters to the ground. “What am I going to do?” she wails. Violet starts to cry too, which makes Megan sob even harder. Errol plucks the baby from my arms and disappears. Two crying girls is too much for him.

“Is this baby really Robert’s?”

“I don’t know. It could be Robert. It could be De—” She cuts herself off as if realizing she’s said too much.

I take a chance. “Carr really wants the baby. He’d be a good father. You should think about letting him keep Violet.”

“I do want the baby, Megan.”

We both jolt in surprise at the sound of Carr’s voice.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Remington isn’t the father?” Addison nearly drops the bottle she’s feeding Violet. I tilt the container back until Violet can latch on again.