Page 36 of Baby Contract

We watch from the tunnel as the maintenance crew rolls out a small stage and the championship trophy is handed out. Vi gets the most valuable player medal, which she promptly takes off and hangs around Freesia’s neck. The two high-five, and then Vi gives Dex a hug. He pats his chest and then points a finger at Vi. She glows at her dad’s boasts.

“You okay?” Addison strokes my back.

“Yeah. She’s happy, and that’s what’s important. He’s done a better job these past sixteen years than I ever thought he would. He makes the big dates, and he’s been into her sports career. I can’t be mad about that.”

“But you’re a little jealous.”

I let out a low laugh. “I’ve never been good at sharing. It gets my back up when the waiters are extra nice to you. Like what was with the guy at Pierre’s last night giving you an extra serving of caviar because he thought your eyes were such a good match for the new plates?”

“The caviar was delicious.” Addison’s eyes sparkle with mischief.

“You really need to stop getting prettier every year. I can only fight off so many men.”

“You’re pretty strong, still. I might have to test it out later tonight.”

“My strength or my jealousy?”

“Your strength, you goose.” She pokes me in the side. “Ouch. Why are you still so solid? Aren’t you supposed to have a potbelly by now?”

“Babe, you really need to look in the mirror more often. I have to maintain this shape so that these men that are trying to hook up with you don’t lure you away.”

She rolls her eyes. “As if you’re not beating women off with a stick. Trisha’s mother offered up her cupcakes to you right before the game.”

I frown. “That was a sexual invitation?” I thought the starting center’s mom was just handing out pre-game snacks.

“That’s what I love about you. Hot and oblivious.” Addison rises on her tiptoes and presses a kiss against my cheek. I turn my head so that our lips meet. My arm goes around her waist. Her hands curl around my neck. I start to deepen our kiss when I hear a familiar groan. I give Addison a quick kiss and wink before moving the two of us out of the way for the team to pass by.

“You’d think after all these years, they could keep their hands off each other for five seconds.” Vi tosses me the basketball. I catch it and tuck it under my arm.

“I was clapping for you the whole game. My hands are red. I probably need to make a work comp claim.”

“I’ll bring it up with my coach.” She then grins and launches herself at me. “We won, Daddy! We won!”

I crush her to my chest. My eyes get hot as I swing my eldest around. It was just yesterday I was learning how to change her tiny diaper and how to make formula. “I can’t believe you’re grown. I tried to stop it by hiding the milk, but somehow you grew anyway. This is sick.”

Her body shakes with laughter. “You fed me milk every morning.”

“That’s a bold-faced lie, but I’ll let it slide since you’re a champ.” I set her down and draw Addison and Freesia close. “How about we all get some post-game ice cream?”

“Banana split?” Freesia leans around us to make eye contact with Addison.

“You know it. Let me shower and change. I’ll be half a minute. Come with me, Free. You can tell me about the text you got from Will Stanfield.”

“Shhh, I told you not to say anything.” Freesia grabs Addison’s hand and drags her down the tunnel before I can interrogate her.

“Do you know anything about this?” I ask my wife. She zips her mouth shut and tosses away an imaginary key. I shake my head. “Wow, the betrayal.”

“It’s for your own good. We can’t have the Stanfield boy scared away before he even makes contact.”

“He already made contact, apparently, and if he can’t stand a few questions from me, is he really worthy of standing next to Freesia?” I already don’t like this kid.

“What will you get at the ice cream shop?” Addison changes the subject.

“Banana split, what else? And a brownie sundae for you or a strawberry one?”

“It’s a chocolate kind of night so brownie sundae.”

“Perfect. You can all fill me in on Stanfield then.”