Page 35 of Baby Contract

I draw her to my side and lift her left hand to my mouth. “No, not for a long time.”

Dex’s eyebrows go up at the sight of the diamond while Megan shoves her ringless hand under her ass.

I hand over the documents. “For the good of Violet, I will retain custody, but you two will have regular visitation. At all times, you are to treat her with respect, kindness, and love. If, at any time, the independent court-appointed guardians for Violet determine that you are stable, both emotionally and financially, to care for Violet, I will give up custody. If, however, by the age of five, you have not achieved that state as judged by the independent consultants, you will relinquish your parental rights, and I will adopt Violet.”

Agreeing to this is painful for me and Addison, but we determined it was the right thing to do. Paying Megan and Dex off would be too messy. Dex is my cousin, and Megan has very few morals and a very loose mouth. When Violet got older, the rumors would reach her ears. I wanted to be as above board as possible and be able to look my girl in the eye and say that I did everything to keep her family intact. And if Megan and Dex surprise me and become great parents, then I have to do what’s in Violet’s best interest as much as it would break my own heart.

Dex signs quickly. “I’ve got an appointment, but I’ll be by next week for whatever it is that I’m supposed to do. You need a ride somewhere, Megs?”

Megan chews on the end of her pen. “I’m supposed to take the baby today. We are supposed to take her.”

“Can’t.” Dex pulls out his wallet and throws some bills onto the table. “Buy her something nice. See ya, Carr.”

He walks out. Megan throws down the pen, snatches the money, and chases after him. “Wait, Dex. I’m coming with you.” She looks back at us. “Next weekend, I’ll take the baby.”

Addison looks like she’s about to launch herself at Megan. I grab her hand and squeeze it. “We figured it would be this way. Let’s take Violet to the park.”

“I’m worried about Violet.” Addison makes a face at our baby.

“We’ll love her enough that it won’t matter.” I palm her back and stroke a small sliver of skin between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her jeans. “What’s important is that we’re together, that we love her, and that we’ll always love her. Our love will be enough.”

Addison turns her face up to mine. “You’re right. Our love is enough.”



“Skiff passes the ball to McRae. McRae dribbles to the outside. She fakes a shot. Her defender falls down. McRae steps back and it’s…good! The Knights are champions. The Knights just won the FSA championship for the first time!”

Addison and I jump to our feet. I hug Addison, then Freesia, then Dex, and then some stranger next to me. Popcorn spills onto the floor. Paper streamers fly onto the court. Everyone on our side of the court is celebrating.

“Daddy, hold my purse.” Freesia shoves her bag into my hands and then climbs over four rows of chairs to get to the court. She bypasses a couple of referees and throws herself into the melee of students who are celebrating the school’s win.

“I lost my voice,” Addison croaks.

“You do sound like a frog.” I squeeze her waist. She leans into me, wrapping both arms around my torso.

“It was lost to a worthy cause.”

“Those are my genes,” Dex boasts.

I roll my eyes. “Could be Megan’s.”

“That woman is five foot nothing and has the hand-eye coordination of a child. She can barely pour wine into her glass without spilling. Nah, that’s all Dex genes. A chip off the old block.” He turns to a bystander. “That’s my girl that just made the winning shot. I taught her how to ball. I was a pickleball champion in my league two years ago.”

Addison picks up her purse and plucks her coat off the chair. “Come on, let’s go wait outside the locker room. If you stay here any longer, you’re going to start fighting Dex, and that would ruin Violet’s night.”

“I was not going to fight Dex,” I protest.

“Why is your hand fisted at your side?”

“It’s clenched in excitement.”

“It’s nice that you get along with Dex for Violet’s sake.” She rubs my back like I’m a beast in need of soothing. Maybe I am. Violet’s my girl. She has my last name. I’m the one she calls Dad.

Dex is a man that floats in and out of her life when it’s convenient. But lately he’s been around more than he’s been absent, and it makes Vi happy, and honestly, anything that makes her happy is good in my books. Megan never really took to motherhood, but Dex makes her show up for birthdays and holidays. Addison’s the only mother that Vi needs.

Freesia was born just ten months after Vi came into our lives. The two girls are inseparable. Vi’s the athlete, and Freesia’s a budding fashion designer. It’s like they’re two halves of one whole. Freesia tells her sister that it was meant to be. That they’re really twins, just born to different McRaes. You can’t mess with destiny, according to Freesia.