When I arrive at the elevator bank, Bob Remington is there. I curse under my breath.
“Did everything arrive? I want to put Violet in the Dragonite onesie…” Addison trails off at the sight of Remington.
“Taking my cast-offs, are you?” Remington gives her an insulting once-over. He shifts his attention to me. “Didn’t take you for the type to dip your wick into a pot you had to pay for, but I guess I can see the appeal. Can’t say that I didn’t think about it myself, but the agency sent me a different, better girl.”
“Since we’re in Osaka, and me punching you out in the middle of the lobby is likely to land us both in jail, I’ll refrain from putting my fist in your mouth as you deserve, but say another word and I’ll be visiting your hotel room and drowning you in your bathtub.” I catch the door to the elevator car and usher Addison inside. “And forget about the Yamamoto deal. That’s not for you.”
Remington tries to board the car. “The hell it’s not. I didn’t rent a brat and a bitch for nothing.”
I push the door close button and put my boot into his chest. He falls back, and the doors close in his face. I turn to Addison. “What’s the story?”
Chapter Twelve
What are the odds of running into Robert Remington when I’m halfway around the world? I hold Violet closer. He implied that I was getting paid to fuck Carr. How cliché could I be? To be hooking up with the man who paid me to nanny for him. At least Carr stood up for me. It was nice watching that sleazeball Remington fall on his ass.
"Would you prefer not to tell me?"
“There isn’t much to tell.” I shrug. “I did an interview with him for the position of a nanny.”
“And you didn’t take it?”
"No, he always has given me an uneasy feeling." Carr’s eyes narrow.
“So you knew him before you did an interview with him?”
I hate having to rehash what happened the first time I met Robert Remington, but I know Carr will keep pushing until he knows every detail. "He attended an event thrown by the family I used to nanny for." The silence stretches between us, letting me know my attempt at being vague has failed. “He hit on me, and he didn’t like being told no. He’s a handsy sleazeball.” Carr’s whole demeanor changes in an instant. His jaw goes tight, and his hands fist at his sides.
I’m sure this is not the right moment since we’re in an elevator with Violet sleeping in her stroller, but I can’t deny how turned on I feel at his reaction. That he is protective over me. It’s been a long time since I had that from someone.
“He touched you.”
“We were in public. It didn’t get out of hand.” It still made me so uneasy. I think he could tell it did, so he kept it up. People like Robert enjoy the power they can hold over others.
The elevator doors slide open on our floor. “Let's get her to bed.” I nod in agreement. Carr opens the suite door for us. I head straight for the nursery. He goes to make her a bottle while I get her changed.
“I’ll feed her. Why don’t you get ready for bed?”
“Thanks.” I hand her over gently to him before going to find my suitcase. I don’t find it in the main bedroom. I go back out to see if it’s been left somewhere else. Still nothing. I finally check the closet to see that all of our clothes have been hung up and put away.
My clothes are right next to Carr’s. It feels very intimate. You’d almost believe we really are a married couple. Except my clothes are nowhere near the cost of Carr’s. It’s a reminder that we are from two very different worlds. I run my fingers along the underside of the wedding band on my finger.
I grab one of my sleep shirts and shorts to change into before I head to the bathroom for my nightly routine. Soon Carr joins me, doing the same. Neither of us says anything. Again, this too is very intimate.
As I leave the bathroom, I notice that Carr has placed the baby monitor on the nightstand. I stare at the bed. Am I really going to share a bed with him?
“You okay?” Carr asks. I spin around to face him.
“You lost your shirt,” I blurt out, my eyes trained on his chest. Hisveryimpressive chest.
It’s all hard lines and muscle. When exactly is this man exercising? He eats way more than I do and is always working or holding Violet, and I know holding a baby doesn’t make you that way because I’m all soft lines and squishiness. Carr has a lovely thin layer of hair that serves as a constant reminder that he isverymuch a man. Thankfully, I don’t have that.
“This is how I sleep.” He runs his hand down his chest. My fingers itch to do the same, but I keep it professional. I repeat that over and over in my head. It’s my new mantra.
“Right, sorry. Sleep how you want.” I spin back around. Why am I speaking in such a high pitch? “Which side would you like?”
“I’ll take this side.” He goes around the bed to the other side. It’s closer to the bedroom door.