And…wow. Once I started watching, I couldn’t pull my attention away. Not only did I experience two more orgasms, but they were both while imagining my mouth on Saber’s chest, drinking his milk while he told me I was his good boy.

What did that say about me? Probably not anything good…but I had a whole new appreciation for my new employee and couldn’t wait to see him in the morning.

I scrolled through the code with Saber standing over me and pointing out particular functionality.

“Wow.” I shook my head, shocked at how much he’d gotten done in twenty-four hours. “This is beautiful, Saber. Truly, it’stextbook. I haven’t seen anyone write this cleanly since…” I grinned as I gave him a quick glance. “Well, let’s just say that I can’t tell where your code ends and mine begins.”

His hand landed on my shoulder and he squeezed. “Agreed. It was easy to see where other people had been poking around trying to make changes. I just searched for all the most common obfuscation tricks and rewrote everything the way I thought you’d write it.”

“Nice work, Saber.” I almost leaned into him before I caught myself and pulled back. “This is huge. Our customers will be shocked when they find out this update can be rolled out months ahead of schedule.”

He sat on the edge of my desk and crossed his arms over his chest. “Speaking of customers, there’s something else I wanted to ask you about.”

Had he caught me staring and was trying to hide himself? I hoped not, because I’d never want to make an employee feel uncomfortable or like a sex object, even if that’s what my mind kept thinking of after my educational evening. “Sure, what’s up?” I crossed my legs and put my clasped hands in my lap, preemptively hiding my crotchal area, just in case of any activity.

“I talked to a friend last night who used to work at Axer Time. Anyway, he has a bunch of past clients that could really use a product like BillForce. And, coincidentally, he’s interviewing for a sales position here next week.”

“Oh, that is a coincidence. What kind of clients is he referring to?”

“Startups. Small businesses who just need basic accounting and payments without all the hoops some of the bigger systems require.”

I nodded, thinking about the application. “Yeah, I can see that working. We might need to make a few tweaks for a small business version, but I like it. Great idea, Saber.”

“Well, it’s Nate’s idea. And actually, he was hoping to talk to you about it before bringing it up during his interview. We were thinking of maybe dinner tonight. Romano’s at six. Are you available?”

“What? Tonight?” I was flustered but couldn’t think of a reasonable excuse. “Um, yeah. Okay. Sure.”

“Yeah?” He dropped his arms, holding on to the edge of my desk as he leaned forward. “Great. I’ll let him know we’re in.”

“Great.” I had to hold my breath and count to five before slowly blowing it out. “Then, I guess we better get back to work.”

Chapter 8


I was surprised Frederick agreed to dinner so easily. But mostly, I was grateful. It was an interesting opportunity to expand the market for the product he was so passionate about. And Nate was just obnoxious enough to ask Frederick every question that would be totally inappropriate for me to ask as his subordinate.

And I had so many questions.

Frederick had hinted about being “neutral,” and I took that to mean some variation of asexual, but I wanted some clarity on that. As much as he could provide. And if he couldn’t be more clear, that was okay too. I just needed to know if I should back off or keep pushing, because I really wanted to explore something with Frederick if he was up for it.

And if he wasn’t, well, I needed to know that too. For his sake and mine.

Once we got to the restaurant, I guided Frederick to our table as if he were my date. It was totally inappropriate, but I couldn’t stop myself from touching him. And he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he inched into my side as if he wanted to be even closer.

“Nate is just over there.” I pointed to our table just before we reached it and then pulled out the chair across from Nate so I could sit between the two of them. “Nate, this is Frederick, my manager at Floom.”

“Frederick, it’s nice to meet you.” Nate stood up and shook Frederick’s hand over the table. “I’ve heard some great things about you from Saber.”

Frederick chuckled. “He’s only known me for two days, so I guess we’re still in the honeymoon phase.”

True to his personality, Nate didn’t let me down. “Well, you know the best part about the honeymoon phase.” He waggled his eyebrows. “No need to leave the bedroom. Am I right?”

Frederick choked on air as he dropped into the chair. “Um, I wouldn’t know.”

I rolled my eyes at Nate as I gave him a quick hug before sitting between the two guys. “Don’t embarrass Frederick yet. He’s a bit shy about these things.”

“I’m not so much shy as just…” He shrugged and kept his eyes on his napkin as he unfolded it in his lap. “Inexperienced with such things.”