I tried to ignore how good that felt as I ate a few bites of my own breakfast, but he was too distracting. There was no way to ignore how badly I needed him, but I wasn’t sure he was ready for more than what we’d already done.

Instead of falling asleep again, Freddy drank for a few minutes and then pulled off and rested his hand on my lap. With my hardening cock poking up at him, he scooted down closer to my knees and stared at it right in his face. “Daddy?”

“Yes?” I wiped a drop of milk from the corner of his mouth with my thumb and then held it in front of his mouth.

He immediately licked it up and smiled. “Am I still a virgin?”

I had known that he was inexperienced and assumed he was a virgin, but hearing him say it out loud did something to me. Something almost primal.

I wanted to flip him over and show him exactly how good I could make him feel, but the Daddy in me wanted to make sure he fully understood that I had no expectations. And he had no obligations. “Yes, sweet boy. You are, and you will be for as long as you want. If and when you’re ready to try more things, I’ll be honored to share those experiences with you. But there’s no rush and no timeline. This is all still so new for you…and me too. I’ve never felt this way about someone before, and if it takes us a year to get to the next stage physically, that’s okay with me.”

“No, now.” His tongue poked out and tasted the tip of my dick. “I want to feel you in my bottom now, and then I wanna take a bath.” He cocked an eyebrow and thought about that. “Wait, do we do the bath first?”

I chuckled and lifted him up so I could kiss his mouth. “You’re so damn sweet.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are. And we don’t always have to take a bath first.” I waggled my eyebrows. “Daddy likes to get dirty sometimes.”

He giggled, back in his Little headspace, but still with me enough to have this conversation. “You’re silly.”

“Yes, but we can take a bath now and then maybe go buy some art supplies for later today. Then we can talk about getting back into this comfy bed of yours later on.”

His lower lip popped out and he furrowed his eyebrows together. “Okay, Daddy. I trust that you know what’s best.”

There were no words I treasured more than those. “Thank you, sweet boy. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

Chapter 15


I was too impatient for an actual bath, and since I’d never used my bathtub, I wasn’t confident in how clean it was. So, we decided to shower and give the tub a thorough scrubbing some other day.

With each passing minute with Saber, I felt a shift happening inside me. It was getting easier and easier to fully embrace the idea of Saber taking care of me.Daddyingme. Eventually, I stopped thinking too hard about things like speaking in full sentences. I knew it was happening, could feel it happening. And even though I didn’t quite understand it, some part deep inside me just needed to fully submit to Daddy in this way.

I stood under the showerhead as Saber soaped up a cloth and gently ran it over my whole body. He was careful and thorough as he washed and followed up with kisses all across my rinsed skin.

My penis was hard the entire time, and when Daddy got to it, he grinned as he wrapped the soapy towel around me and began to stroke.

“Oh, wow.” I held on to his shoulders for balance as my legs got shaky. He turned me so I was facing the spray with it hitting just below my belly as he held me against his chest, working me slowly, like if he wanted to drag it out.

His erection pressed against my bottom and made me want to help him too. I reached back and pushed it down, tucking it between my legs so it rubbed across my opening and tapped my balls as he thrust with me.

Feeling his hard skin on my most private place felt naughty, but in a good way. The kind of way I liked to feel now. The kind of way I’d only felt with Saber.

“It’s good, Daddy. I’m almost exploding.”

“Explode when you’re ready, sweet boy.” He kissed my ear and licked along the shell. “Daddy’s gonna come right behind you.”

Those were the words I needed to hear as I pressed into his fist, and he chased me with his hips, staying completely connected to me as I squeezed my thighs together and felt his warmth coat them.

As soon as the waves of electricity passed through me, I completely slumped in his arms.

Daddy held me in place, using the handheld sprayer to wash all my private parts and even my back where he said he leaked milk all over me.

“That just makes me thirsty again.” I leaned forward and took a quick swipe from his nipple as he dried me off.

“You’ve already had lots of milk today. If we don’t get out of here soon, we’ll never leave.”