“You mean, milky things?” Nate didn’t even lower his voice when the server dropped off a basket of garlic bread and our waters. “Because that’s a bit of an acquired taste, but most people definitely acquire it.”
“Oh. Yeah. Well…” Frederick shifted in his chair, and I could see he was adjusting his dick underneath his napkin. “Is anyone drinking? I feel like I need a drink.”
“Me too.” I wouldn’t survive the night without a bit of a buzz. Otherwise, I’d be adjusting my dick the whole time too. He was just too cute when he was all awkward and squirmy. If he really seemed uncomfortable, I’d get him out of here. But Frederick seemed to have developed some courage and determination overnight and didn’t appear ready to pass out. I was calling that a win.
A moment later, the server appeared to take our orders. Nate was first to drop his menu and look up. “I’ll have an old-fashioned and the lasagna.”
“Frederick, what about you?” I watched him study the menu like it was in a foreign language. “Do you need another minute? I can go next if you do.”
“Yes, please.” He half-smiled and continued to stare at all the options.
“I’ll have a gin and tonic with lime and…” I usually ordered the gnocchi, but I had a feeling Frederick was feeling self-conscious about ordering what he really wanted to, so I wanted to make it easier for him to choose. “Spaghetti and meatballs, please.”
Freddy immediately looked up at me and smiled. “I was thinking about that too.”
“You should get it. Or if there’s something else you’re debating, you can order that and we’ll share both.”
“Oh.” His shoulders visibly dropped as he looked down again. “I also like the cheese tortellini.”
“Good choice. It’s one of my favorites.”
He cocked his head. “And you wouldn’t mind sharing with me?”
“Not at all.” I turned to the server. “Could you bring a few extra plates?”
The man made a note on his pad and then tapped his lip. “If you’d like, I can have the kitchen put half of each on two plates and just bring them out like that.”
Frederick had a happy expression on his face, so I figured that was the right choice. “Sounds perfect. Thank you.”
As soon as he stepped away, Nate jumped right in. “You two are fuckin’ adorable. I love this Daddy/Little dynamic you’ve got going on.” He smacked my arm. “Exactly what you’ve always wanted.”
Frederick gasped, and I could feel him pulling away and into himself. “Nate, fuck! Just chill on the shipping. Frederick is my boss. I just started working for him. If anything develops, that’s gravy. And private.” I hooked my ankle behind Frederick’s as a way of touching him without Nate noticing. “Tonight, let’s stick to business. You wanted to talk to him about your ideas for expanding BillForce to meet the needs of small businesses, right?”
Nate took a minute to read the room, thankfully, and got back on track. While we each finished our drinks and ordered seconds, Nate and Frederick had a lively conversation about the possibilities for BillForce. By the time we were halfway through our entrees, Frederick was slurring his words and giggling at almost everything we said.
“Excuse me. I’m gonna run to the restroom.” I got up from the table and asked the server to switch Fredrick’s drinks and mine to Sprite and limes.
I was pretty sure he wouldn’t notice, and he definitely didn’t need any more alcohol. As it was, there was no way he could get himself home. He hadn’t been overserved, but it was clear he didn’t drink much and had a low tolerance. Which made me feel even more protective over him.
The server was bringing our third round right as I got back to the table. I watched from the side of my eye as Frederick took a long pull from his straw. “These are so good. Saber, don’t you think they’re so good?”
“I do, Freddy.” I took a sip of mine. It was definitely sweet. “Thanks again, Nate, for meeting with us. Your ideas could really make a difference for our team.”
“Anytime. And I’ll let you know how things go during my interview. If it all works out, we could be working on the same team in just a few weeks.”
“That would be super duper, Nate.” Frederick stood up quickly and his chair flew backward. I managed to grab it before it hit the ground, but Freddy swayed, falling right into my chest. “Whoa. Why is the room spinning?”
“A lightweight, I take it?” Nate grinned and helped keep Frederick upright while I got the chair up and out of his way. “You need help getting him home?”
“Nah, I got it.” I handed Nate my credit card. “Can you take care of that while I see if he needs to take a piss before we leave? He’s had three drinks and water, so he might not make it all the way home.”
Nate cringed. “Yeah, see if he needs to puke too because I have a feeling that’s what you should really be worrying about.”
Frederick tugged on the front of my shirt. “What did Nate mean by Daddy dynamic?”
Fuck, this was not the time for that conversation. “He was being silly. Do you need to use the restroom?”
Frederick threw his head back to think and then swayed even more. “Yeah, I think so.” His hand moved down to his crotch and whispered louder than appropriate for a family-friendly restaurant. “Can I peepee if my penis is hard? It keeps being hard no matter how many times I make an orgasm.”