“Listen to him, Big Brother.” Lilu says sternly, gaining my attention before pointing at the door. “Get the fuck out, and don’t come back until you have clothes for her and enough sense to remake your space into something she deserves.”
She strides towards the girl and sits in front of her. The way my half-sister can be so fierce yet so gentle is a testament to all that she has been through, and I know I need to heed her advice and step away to try and process this.
Because my mate just showed up in my tent, human, battered and bruised from someone’s hand. A hand I plan to burn off as I watch them scream.
I may not know anything about her, but I felt our connection so deep in my soul I would think that God himself made her for me.
Chapter 3
A tall woman with white hair and intricate braids kneels down in front of me, sitting on the soot stained floor like everything that just happened is normal. Something about her presence draws me in, and I have this strange urge to try and touch her.
Her skin looks so smooth and flawless, her light eyes kind but fierce. Everything about her is an enigma. Her pouty lips and pink cheeks give her an innocent yet fragile appearance, though it’s clear that neither of those things are true.
I have to clench my jaw to keep myself from asking to crawl into her lap. It’s a very strange feeling to want to reach out for her, but I keep my hands tucked close to my body, not wanting to expose myself any further.
“Can you tell me your name?” she asks, her voice like a gentle caress.
Nothing like the way she spoke to the man she calledher brother. The man with the fire that comes from his palms.
I know he was the one in the tent, the skull makeup gone from his face and replaced with someone so strikingly handsome I would’ve run to if I weren’t so damn afraid of what he could do.
His medium length black hair was a mess, but everything else about him was right out of a model catalog.
Like his dark eyes and light skin, the way his stare captivated me even as I was so afraid I thought I was going to piss myself. He has strong muscles stretching the confines of his perfectly pressed white button-up shirt. The way he walked was full of determination and power.
Did I die and wake up in an alternate universe?
I try to focus on staying still and nothing else. I feel like my body is in shock as a cold settles in around me. Yet, just when the thought comes to my mind, the girl waves her hand, and a warm fire appears beside us along with a blanket draped around my shoulders.
I quickly cover myself, my fingers digging into the soft fabric as I pull it around my body.
“Why are you in my brother's tent?” she asks softly.
When I don’t answer, she presses her palm to my cheek and our eyes connect. Despite my terror, my body reacts instinctively to hers, my nipples hardening, arousal coating my thighs.
I hate it because it’s not my true emotion—it’s sticky and wrong. I’m scared, not turned on. My heart begins to beat rapidly in my chest and tears fall from my eyes.
“Answer me.” Her voice is patient, but I know people run out of that quickly.
“I–I…” I swallow, willing the words to come out even though part of me is trying to withhold them. “My master–he was going to kill me. But I killed him first. At least, I think I did before I ran away.”
Suddenly, I drop the fabric from around me, my body feeling uncomfortably hot as I keep giving her my truths, even as tears stain my cheeks.
“My name is Evolet. I don’t know how I got here. All I know is that the voice in my head told me I was safe inside this tent.”
As her hand leaves my skin, a shiver races down my spine. My cheeks heat, and I struggle to grasp what just happened.
Shamefully, I duck my head and gather the blanket to wrap around me again. My body doesn’t feel like my own, as if a war is happening inside it that I can’t explain.
“I’m Lilu,” the girl offers, crossing her legs to sit in front of me. “You do not need to hide from me. Your reactions are normal, and I do not look down on you for them.”
Shaking my head, I refuse to look back at her.
“Evolet, I am a demon. A succubus to be exact, and a very powerful one I might add. I have a gift that makes people want to submit to me when I touch them. That’s what you just felt.”
“I didn’t like it,” I say as I pull my legs to my chest and hide half of my face, only my eyes looking up at her.
Lilu laughs, sitting back on her hands. “I don’t know if I should be offended or grateful. Most people usually can’t resist me.”