Page 5 of Magic and Mayhem

For so long, I have tried to get away. I’ve begged the universe for the opportunity to escape this hellish life. And it finally listened.

Stopping in my tracks, I look around, taking in my surroundings. Darkness covers every corner, but the moon is high in the sky, and I made sure to keep it to my left while darting through the trees to prevent me from going in circles. But something in my mind causes me to pause, a pressure I know all too well.

‘Hello, my friend’ I say in my mind. I feel a gentle caress within me, making me shiver. It’s cold out but thankfully not like in the winter when the snow gets deep. I inhale and relax into the presence in my mind.

A familiar tune comes to life around me. For a second, I think I’m dreaming. Lights flash in the distance, drawing me in. It feels familiar, like a memory coming to life.

Walking towards the sound, the feeling of a bubble popping in my ears startles my heart. But that’s nothing compared to what I see now.

A tall figure on stilts with ribbons tied to them, swaying in the wind as they walk. Painted faces. Popcorn and cotton candy machines. Hot dogs and burgers. A hall of mirrors and a large tent with red and yellow lights overhead.

I want to take it all in, to see what this incredible place has to offer, but I continue to feel a pulling sensation. Like I need to keep moving in this direction, as if my life depends on it.

There’s a sign for a fortune teller with a line outside their tent that looks as if it goes on for miles. Animals make noises in the background, no doubt performingsomewhere nearby. A roar causes the ground to shake around me, everyone's eyes flitting to the white and black tent to my left.

It’s magical, so colorful and full of life.

Without permission, my feet carry me towards the very back of the grounds, directly in front of a purple and black tent.

A crack in the fabric allows me a glimpse of the show inside. Leaning forward, I study the room with rapt attention.

A breeze moves through the space drawing everyone’s attention to the center of the room where there’s a man on stage, wielding what looks to be a violet mist with his palms in the air. His tall form fills out the magician’s outfit in a way that has me captivated. He wears a large violet hat tilted to the side on his head as he sways, keeping the crowd in suspense with all eyes fixated on him.

The foggy matter surrounds him while he moves, as if it were an extension of himself and not some kind of magic trick. He raises his hands up, directing everyone’s attention to the roof. The mist pulses and expands, showcasing what looks to be the image of a night sky lit up from within. And then, without warning, the image bursts into flames.

Shock covers the man's features, although you can barely see it through the face paint he wears. The shadow of a skull is painted onto his skin, making his eyes appear even brighter when they connect with mine. I should be too far away to see the color of his flame reflected there, but I do. Lilac and fire.

I can’t breathe when I look into them. It’s as if my world stops, and nothing else around me exists. Power seemsto snake its way up my hand, to my wrist, then my arm, encircling me until it reaches my heart, causing me to gasp.

The flames break our connection and I duck away, heaving for breath. Turning around, I’m met with people’s wide eyed stares. For the first time since I left Master’s house, I realize I’m in a blood stained white t-shirt and gray pants a size too large for my body.

I turn to dart around the corner, fleeing past the tent before slipping into another. It’s darker in here, only a soft glow to the space. When my eyes adjust, the makings of a bedroom come into view around me.

Soft chairs with cozy blankets decorate the large chamber. My feet are greeted with the feeling of faux fur, warming for the first time since I entered the woods. My one sock that is still on now has holes in it, rendering it useless.

I should feel guilty as my feet are likely bleeding on this person's possessions, but it’s hard to feel anything at all right now. A numbness is creeping in, one that is likely trying to protect me from remembering what I did.

My hand traces some of the blankets as I stare longingly at the bed.

“This is mine. You will understand soon, Ev, that there is an order in this world.”

Master stands at my back as he shows me his room.

“My name is Evolet,” I snap back at him.

He chuckles before slapping me on the back of the head so hard I stumble forward. It’s the first time he’s hit me. Little did I know it would get worse. So much worse.

“That order has decided that you are beneath me.” Master walks around his bed, grabbing a thin blanket off themattress and tossing it to the floor. “Like a pet, and pets do not sleep in a bed. Their place is on the ground.”

I glare at him, but he only scowls back. It’s like his gaze alone is pushing me to my knees for him. I don’t want to bow, I don’t even really want to look at him.

A force within me seems to wrap itself around my mind, protecting me from the influence of evil in the air. I break contact with him, and he puffs out his chest like he’s won something.

I may only be a child, but I know men like him are not to be messed with.

Mentally, I chide myself for walking into the woods, trying to remember what even drew me to them in the first place. I know I have a family, that I was in a warm place before. But I can’t remember any of it and that’s the most frustrating part.

People will be worried about me, and this man is hiding me away, telling me I’m beneath him when I think he’s the one beneath us all.