Page 47 of Magic and Mayhem

Master begins to speak, but I continue to pull against the rope holding me.

“Tonight is the night I’m granted the power we have been promised. My great-grandfather found this scroll seventy years ago while exploring long forgotten lands, and I have finally been able to unlock the spell.”

The crowd cheers, what sounds like hundreds of people praising my death.

“With the sacrifice of a virgin, we call out to the demon who can gift Hell’s eternal flame.”

Everyone begins chanting in Latin, and as some of the words register, I realize that Master misunderstood what was needed for this spell to work. He didn’t need the blood of a virgin—he needed the blood of someone pure of heart.

Master approaches me holding a match in the air before striking it with a dramatic flair. Baring my teeth, I lunge with all of my might and land a wad of spit directly in his face before the flame that will set alight the pyre beneath me can fall.

He freezes, stunned as I throw my head back and roar with laughter. He thought he could break me, mold me into his perfect little sacrifice. But he was wrong. And I will die with that satisfaction burning within me—hotter than any fire he could create.

When Master steps forward, dropping the match onto the pyre at my feet, fear grips my heart. But I refuse to let it show as I hold his gaze.

“I hope it burns,” he sneers before jumping back a few paces.

I close my eyes and grit my teeth, preparing for the pain. I still have some control here. He wants me to cry and beg, but I refuse to let a single sound fall from my lips as I seal them tight.

The people behind him continue chanting, the atmosphere around us growing thick. It’s as if time and space were bending to answer Master’s call.

Maybe it will be Hades and he will have mercy on me and allow me to live in Elysium. Or it could be Anubis—he will protect my body from harm while I wait to be reawoken.

I could beg Hel to allow me to cross the Golden Gate.

Just as those thoughts cross my mind, my fate sealed, my ears pop, and the world around me instantly silences.

Cautiously, I open my eyes to see violet flames dancing around me, tickling my flesh as the ropes and my clothing are burned from my skin.

I’m left standing naked in front of everyone, feeling a dominant presence looming behind me. Master speaks to them, but I already know who it is as surely as I know myself.

“Hello, Love,” that perfect voice purrs in my ear. “Do you feel it now?”

I raise my hands, investigating where the fire lays across my flesh without causing me harm. There’s a growing feeling within me, and when I look at Master his eyes are wide with horror. I flash him a sinister smile.

Pushing my will into the flames, I engorge the fire so immensely that it’s nearly touching the people surrounding me in the woods.

Some stay still, as if they too would be granted the privilege to harness this power. Others know to run.

Eryx laughs, and I can feel him in the power of the fire, taking control and sending it out to turn everyone to ash without an inkling of remorse.

Screams erupt and panic ensues, but before long, the only thing left is one man standing among a pile of ash. A master of no one.

“Rule number four, Love: when you have the chance to take down your enemies, don’t hesitate.”

“Who says I’m hesitating?” I glance back at him with a smile on my face, my chest rising as I embrace the power within me. “I’m just getting started.”

I take a step out of the fire and Master gasps. I canfeel Eryx right behind me while Master raises his finger, pointing at him.

“I-I… I summoned him. He ismineto command.”

He is so enraged it almost looks like he’s throwing a tantrum.

“Silly mortal,” Eryx laughs, “you summoned me here. You did not bind me to your will. Those are two very different spells. Binding me would have required a lot more sacrifices. But I really must thank you.”

Eryx brushes some of my hair away from my shoulder before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to my skin. His ether reaches out, healing the aches and bruises I didn’t realize I acquired fighting for my life.

I sigh in relief, leaning against my strong purple demon and gazing up at him with a smile.