He scratches the stubble on his human chin, the edges trimmed to perfection. He’s so handsome I could spit.
“Why did you choose this to wear under that black dress?”
“Because I knew you were going to change me into something else, so I didn't think it mattered.”
Which is partially the truth. The other part was that I was hoping I could tempt him with this after the show so that maybe he would chase me again. I have no idea who the girl was that told him exactly what she wanted yesterday, but I think I like her, even if I’m a little too embarrassed to admit the truth now.
Eryx looks me up and down before licking his lips.
“You’re lying, Ev. Don’t forget…” He crowds my space, the scent of him enveloping me. Fire and sin, the sweetest combination I have ever come across. “I cantastehow you feel, Love.”
I stare back at him in defiance, enjoying this push and pull. He said his kind delights in games, and I’m beginning to understand why.It’s thrilling.
“Now,” he practically growls, “go get on that stage and let your monster tie you up like the good little girl you are.”
His fangs pop out for a moment before shrinking away as if they were never there. But I saw them. And I amgoing to remind him of the woman he fucked last night because I am not going to be ordered around and told what to do without a fight.Not anymore.
Eryx blinks in surprise, clearly not expecting that answer. He looks me up and down, a hint of worry bleeding through the shock. I don’t want to be someone he worries about offending.
I want him topush. I want toplaywith this demon like his equal.
“Go,” he tries again, but this time less harshly. I let him know I’m playing by allowing a smile to tease my lips as I tap a finger on my chin.
“How about,no.”
He catches on quickly, and I think I see some of his ether curl around his shoulders as if he was about to shift, but he pulls it back quickly.
“Go, Ev.”
“I will not ask again. Go.”
I grin. “You just did, andno.”
Eryx wraps a hand around my throat, forcing me back against a wall.
“Go out there or so help me–”
“Why don’t you ma–”
My words are cut off with a roar from him and honest to shit smoke comes from his mouth.
“Do not finish that sentence, Evolet. I will not be held responsible for what comes next if you do.”
He looks like he really is holding himself back and maybe, just maybe, this is how I can convince him I want him to let go. I crowd into his space, pushing my nose against his while his hand is still firmly around my neck.
Our breaths tangle together before I do something I know I could never regret.
“Make me.”
Ropes appear out of nowhere, binding my hands as they all but pull me to the stage. That thrum of energy sparks between us, and even though I’m walking onto a stage in front of what is easily a hundred people, all I see is him.
He prowls out into the center, taking one of the ropes and tossing it up over the bar that sits a few feet above my head. Eryx deftly twists his fingers and the rope ties itself into a perfect knot.
When he looks at me, his flames burst to life in a circle around us, not high enough to hide us, but enough to illuminate everything that’s about to happen.