I look back at Kieres, allowing my gaze to assess him from head to toe. He’s handsome, but has nothing on Eryx. Kieres is more of the dark brooding type. He probably makes inappropriate jokes at the wrong times and walks like he has a big stick between his legs.
“I can assure you, I have no interest in either of them.”
Kieres laughs and Eryx comes to my side to wrap me in his arms. I have no idea how we went from him being my guardian to us staking a claim on each other like this, but it feels right.He feels right.
“So harsh, Little One. You are a brave human.”
I shrug. “When you meet true evil as a little girl, it’s hard for anything else to really scare you.”
Eryx guides us down from the ride and Kieres follows. As soon as we step off, it returns to spinning at a violently fast pace.
“How did you get it to stop?” Kieres asks Eryx.
“She did.” His curt tone takes me by surprise.
They both eye me for a moment, then exchange a glance between one another that I know means I’m being kept out of the loop.
“Care to share anything?”
If I wasn’t watching Eryx so closely, I wouldn’t be able to see the slight shake of his head. It pisses me off for him to treat me this way. I’ve been nothing but understanding. I believed everything he’s told me and allowed my life to be flipped upside down to be bound to him. Keeping secrets isn’t cool.
I know he can smell my anger and frustration, and apparently Kieres can too.
“I’ll let the two of you figure that little atomic bomb out.”
He gives a two finger salute before walking away with a mischievous grin, tucking his hands in his suit pockets as he goes. I think I just might like him.
There was something about him that called to me, I just have no idea what it is. I’m not attracted to him like I am Eryx, but I do feel this pull to want to know him.
“You can explain now,” I say, turning to Eryx and crossing my arms over my chest.
“I could, but I think it’s time we get to bed. We have one more show to perform before we get the rest of the week off.”
Shaking my head, I step back from him. I’ve been paying attention, and he doesn’t like it when I’m not close. So me stepping out of his reach causes him to run a hand through his hair in frustration.
I take another step back, then another. “Alright. Alright. Just stop. You’re too close to the boundary.”
I turn to look behind me, not seeing anything. “What boundary?”
“It is not easily seen by the human eye, but it’s like a shield that protects us and whoever is here. No human, witch, or creature can cross unless we allow it.”
Whirling on him, I hold up a finger to find that he’s right next to me.
“Do not try to distract me by offering up pieces of this world that will give me more questions.”
He wraps his arms around my waist and stares down at me. “Damn, you’re too clever.”
I grin up at him. “I am. Now, tell me what Kieres meant by power and that look you exchanged.”
His nostrils flare and I can see the mist rising around him like he’s holding back the transition to his demon form.
He takes my hand, then runs a finger over the tattoo in my skin.
“This mark binds us, and because of it, some of my power runs through you. Kieres has never felt my power in another before.”