Wait, she said she was a demon? That can’t be right. Demons aren’t real. Master said so.
“How do I know you’re not lying to me?”
I don’t want to be manipulated again. I have been under the thumb of someone else’s will for too long. I want thedamn truth so I can decide for myself what I believe.
Lilu tilts her head, a playful smile on her face. “Honey, the way you got aroused on the spot should have been enough to show you the magic I carry in my veins. But if that didn't prove it, and seeing Eryx's flame destroy this entire room wasn’t quite enough, then maybe this will help.”
She holds out her hand, and a white flame appears. It builds in the ash stained room, growing higher and higher until it morphs into that of a beast with wings and three heads that all breathe fire. The second she closes her palm, it all disappears, leaving me dumbfounded and in immense awe.
“Why did your master try to kill you?” Her question catches me off guard, and I swallow, looking away before I answer.
Raising my shoulders, I shrug and try to play it off like it’s not a big deal. She forced me to answer her question before, but I have a feeling she won’t try to take this one from me if I don’t want to give it.
But for some reason, I do. I want someone else to know what has happened to me so I can try to put the pieces together.
“He stole me when I was young, and I think he trapped my memories. I’ve been with him since I was eight. He always said I would have a greater purpose. Apparently, that meant I was to be his sacrifice to this fake god he believes in.”
My eyes widen in horror, my back straightening as a thought occurs to me.
“Wait, is it possible for a human to steal a god’s power? Is that a thing?”
Lilu chuckles, shaking her head. “No, honey, it’s not.Humans are weird. They crave the power of the unknown without any thought of why it is unknown to them.”
“Do you know why they want it so badly? My master has been chasing this his entire life from what I’ve been told.”
Lilu stares at the fire warming the space. “Power corrupts both people and demons; Hell, it even corrupted God’s angels. It eats away at your soul from the inside and tricks you into believing that anyone or anything means less than you.”
I nod my head in agreement, remembering the way Master acted. That’s exactly what the mere thought of power did to him. I find I’m relieved to know that if he did survive what I did to him, he can’t actually get what he wants.
“You don’t know if you killed him?” she asks.
I shake my head, wishing I could have stayed to see it through, but I was too afraid to risk it.
“You may stay here, but you will have to work the carnival if you want our protection. Eryx will be your guardian, and you can strike a deal with him over your terms.”
Tears well up in my eyes again, but Lilu takes my hand. This time that thrum of heat isn’t as intense; it’s comfortable and makes me feel secure.
“Eryx is not someone to fear. He will keep you safe.”
“He scares me,” I whisper.
“Well, if you would like my opinion–”
Shaking my head, I cut her off. I don’t want anyone's opinions.
“I actually prefer to come up with my own, if you don’t mind.”
Lilu nods, not taking any offense to me blowing her off,and I breathe a sigh of relief. If I can’t have the power over my own mind, then I truly have nothing.
And I can’t live like that any longer. So, all I want is the truth, and I’ll decide what I believe based on that.
“Eryx is a crossroads demon, one of the most powerful. If you make a deal with him, he can ensure your protection. He has to stick to the deal or he will die.”
That piques my interest as I lift my head, wiping my cheeks. I read about demons in a book once. Most of it could be fake, but maybe some of it was real. And if not, then I at least have a foundation to ask some questions.
“I thought demons were a fantasy,” I say more to myself than her as I try to process this night.
I’ve seen some pretty messed up stuff, but I never imagined flames coming from someone's hands in real life. Much less, a reality where demons were real.