Chapter 12
My face falls and Lucifer stares at me with a smug satisfaction. It takes everything in me not to attack him.
But I won’t. My priority is Evolet, and fighting with Lucifer will only start a war I know we cannot win.
For now.
“Anything to say, Son?”
“I am not your son,” I grind out, my hands balling into fists and my sharp talons cutting into my flesh as I clench them tighter and tighter.
“Have you not had your fun, Daddy? Or must we still endure your presence longer?” Lilu asks, unbothered by the fact that she just ripped me away from my mate.
“I would’ve thought my daughter would be glad to see me,” Lucifer tries, stalking towards her. She stands instantly, her teeth lengthening and her claws extending just like my own.
“I'm never glad to see you, Father. But I do hopeyou fuck off back to Hell soon so that the realm you banished me to can rest. The mayhem that follows you is unwelcome here.”
Lucifer bristles, hating when his daughter stands up to him. But in this room, it’s six against one. He knows better than to start a fight with all of us.
Kieres and Zavian stride in right on cue.Well, now it’s eight against one. Zavian whistles as he looks around.
“So, the almighty King of Hell has graced us with his adoring presence.”
Zavian mock bows, a cruel smile adorning his face. “Whatever have we done to be granted such an honor?”
“Oh, fuck off, Zavian,” Lucifer spits. “You will learn respect or I will beat it into you.”
Zavian chuckles. “My father tried that once—it didn’t turn out too well for him in the end. But if you would like to put my claws and fire to the test as he did, I would be happy to give you a demonstration of my gifts.”
Lucifer stands taller, and I move behind him, ready to strike alongside Zavian should he make a move against us.
“You know your fire cannot harm me here.”
Lucifer doesn’t sound convinced though, making Lilu hide a smile with her hand that we can all obviously see.
Zavian shrugs. “We can always test that little theory. Or are you afraid for us to find out the rules you say our realm is governed by are really a giant heap of bullshit?”
“You little–”
“Enough!” Lilu barks, gaining all of our attention. “I think it is time for you to go, Daddy.”
Her gaze slides to me just long enough for me to see the concern etched in the gaze before it settles back on her father. He looks around the room, shaking his head as iffinding us all lacking.
Fucking asshole.
“I shall return to my throne now that I have ensured my rules are being followed.” He turns to Zavian. “And make no mistake, boy. They will be followed, or I will assure you a lifetime of pain.”
Zavian combs a hand through his hair, fully composed. “Your presence is painful enough, old man.”
Lucifer’s jaw tightens before he storms out of the tent. After a moment, the oppressive weight of his presence disappears, and all of the panic that I was holding in bleeds out of me faster than a gushing stab wound.
“I need to get to her,” I tell Lilu, who nods in agreement.
“Zavian was right. There are some rules that Lucifer has told us that he cannot enforce. One of them being that I can move the carnival again. I need a crystal and a spell to do so without Lucifer seeing. However, it will take time.”
Lilu motions to her mates, and they rush off, clearly going to get what they need.
“You can get to her in time, Eryx. Use everything you have. The Fates will be on our side, but you must go now.”