Page 36 of Magic and Mayhem

Evolet confided in me about how she tried to kill him. If he did survive, then he’s going to have one hell of a time recovering.

“He is, although I'm trying to figure out his condition. As far as I know, he’s in a coma.”

Anger twists in my gut, fury demanding that I go to him now and end it all for the sake of protecting my other half. But even though I'm shaking with rage, I think back to what Evolet said about him.

This man stripped her of so much power, made her feel small and weak. He does not deserve a quick death, nor death by my hand.

No, I will allow my ether to immobilize him as I watch Evolet slay her tormentor, the one who haunts her nightmares.

The ultimate gift will be for him to look her in the eye as she takes his life, the same way he tried to take hers.

And if he happens to die before that, I will find out whose Hell he’s in and make a deal that ensures she can still take her pound of flesh.

Either way, he will only know suffering for eternity if I have any say in the matter.

“She does not know about the mark, but it is already beginning to fade. I fear I don’t have enough time with her to get her to accept it. I also worry about offering herthis life and all the dangers it can present to her.”

Anxiety rips through me, which is so new and strange.

Demons rarely have things they truly care about, other than winning a game, or claiming the power of others. But when we do, it is with our whole being that we devote ourselves to them.

Lilu shifts the pillow she’s sitting on, looking away and becoming lost in thought for a moment before turning her gaze to me.

“We have been wanting to break the curse, take back the power. What if this is how we do it?”

The thought had crossed my mind. The power that comes from a mate bond would take root in our realm here, making the carnival stronger. However, there’s just one problem.

“We must mate on Hell’s soil to seal the deal, just as with every demon. I will not take her there. She could die.”

The fear in my words is evident, but Lilu smiles as if I said something humorous.

“You forget, Big Brother. If she does not accept the bond, one of youwilldie. And seeing as you are eternal, and not likely to be cut by the Fates’ hands, we both know it would be her.”

Flames burst to life in my hands, my anger as hot and potent as ever at just the thought of her dying.

“I will not allow them to take her life. What makes you think her life is worth any less than mine?”

Lilu traces a finger over her shoulder where a black handprint was marked into her skin for eternity.

“What makes you think that either of your lives are worth anything at all?”

She straightens her spine, her eyes flashing white withfury before turning pitch black. It’s rare that my sister gets like this, but she has informed me that the curse upon us affects her the greatest. And when the Fates chose to speak through her, they did not give her much choice.

“Let me see your mark.”

I hold out my hand to her as her fangs lengthen, her demon form aching to take shape. But Lilu hardly ever shifts, and if she does, it is nearly almost always in the company of her mates. There’s a beautiful kind of evil within her, one that burns hot with the fire of Hell and a soul as pure as a saint.

“You have two days to convince her before she’s the one that will fall. She will be cast into the realm of Lucifer and will suffer at his hand unless you are mated.”

She sucks in a harsh breath, then releases me as her eyes return to normal.

“Fucking Fate cunts,” she says under her breath, rubbing the sides of her head.

“You don’t like that they speak through you?” I taunt with a playful grin, knowing how much she despises the prophetic deities that insist on balance.

She shakes her head, clenching her jaw. “That part I don’t mind. It’s the fucking headache they leave me with after.”

Lilu takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. “I have a plan, Eryx. Mate her here, then take her to the corner of Hades’ Realm where Persephone sings to seal it.”