Page 91 of Pack Kasen: Part 1

“Are you okay, Leo?” He’s shaking, clearly still afraid.

After what just nearly happened, he has a right to be.

But I don’t know how to talk to seven-year-olds, so I move to pat his arm when he…changes.

Then I’m staring at a little gray wolf with soft looking fluffy fur and big blue eyes, drowning in his clothes. I hadn’t known he could change so young. My first change happened when I was thirteen, scaring the shit out of me even though before that I’d known I wasn’t alone in my own head.

He’s cute. A very cute wolf.

I can’t help but smile. “Wow.”

“Leo!” a woman yells.

I turn to look at her, jumping when something wet and rough touches the back of my hand.

It’s wolf Leo, and he’s licking me. Maybe to say thank you?

I twist my hand and give the back of his ear a scratch, which makes his little tail wag.

“Guess you like ear scratches, huh?” My smile grows. “But I don’t think cuteness is going to get you out of trouble, bud. Your mom looks worried. You should go over so she can see you’re okay.”

From his mother’s anxious expression, I have a feeling he was out here playing when he should have been inside with her.

I pull the rest of his clothes away.

As I watch him run over to his mom, he trips over his own feet. I can’t be the only one who smiles at his clumsiness. I’m not sure if he’s just that excited to see her, or if, as a new wolf, he still has a lot to learn about co-ordination. Probably a little of both.

I laugh when he nearly knocks her over when he leaps into her arms. Someone places a hand on her back to steady her. Not that she even notices. She wraps her arms around Leo, squeezing him so tight that he squeaks and wiggles as if to get free.

When our gazes connect, her love for him is in her eyes—so is her terror—at what so nearly happened. She mouths, “Thank you.”

I nod, pleased I was able to save his life, and that I didn’t have to kill a terrified, startled deer. Even if it was the size of a rhino.

They’re still embracing as I get to my feet and my gaze connects with the Wolf King.

He’s standing a couple of feet in front of everyone, completely naked, which briefly distracts me and reminds me that I’m also still naked.

I blush at the twenty or so people staring at me, but I don’t bother covering my nakedness. They’ve already seen everything there is to see.

The Wolf King steps toward me, jaw slack, like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.

“Mate,” he whispers.

The word tunnels into me, awakening a part of me that makes me retreat a step.

There are few things in this world that scare me. But that word…

I shake my head so violently, my hair whips me in the face. “No.”

I’ve almost gotten used to him flinging unfamiliar words at me these last few days, but this word has an impact unlike any I’ve ever heard before. It’s like a spike, lodging itself in my chest.

I walk away, angling toward the road so I can get back into the Jeep I was stealing.

Footsteps move toward me.

The Wolf King grips my forearm. “Kat?—”

I wrench my arm free and stalk around him. “I’m going home. You’ve had whatever fun you wanted to have.”