Page 89 of Pack Kasen: Part 1

Because she saw Leo?

“Get back inside,” I order Dania.

She rushes forward, twisting her fingers together. “Why? What is it?”

A howl rings out then.


It’s the ‘come now, pack in trouble’ howl.

“Get inside now, Dania!” I take off sprinting.

I hadn’t thought I could kill the feral.

I couldn’t before.

But now?

I shed my human skin and embrace my wolf. He bursts out of me, enraged and ready to tear anyone apart who harms the pack.

I’m a man one moment, the next, a wolf, charging after the feral.

As a wolf, she’s fast, I give her that.

I take in everything as I run.

The feral, a lean, chocolate brown wolf, sprinting away from me.

Leo, frozen, gripping his toy lion.

Troy charging down the hill toward us, in close pursuit of what looks to be a four hundred pound stampeding buck.

What the fuck is that deer doing so close to the house?

I’m feet behind the feral, my enforcers following just behind me.

I put on a burst of speed to get to her before she can get to Leo.

If she puts onefingeron Leo, I’ll?—

She blasts past Leo so fast his hair blows up, and he drops his lion. And she charges right at the deer instead.


I skid to a stop as the truth slams into me without warning.

Her perfect honeysuckle and fresh fall leaves scent that I craved the first time I smelled it.

The way I nearly killed Troy for calling her beautiful.

Not wanting any woman but her.

My sudden and violent possessiveness.

How I couldn’t seem to stay away from her.

And that dream…