Page 18 of Pack Kasen: Part 1

He stalks toward me, his move slow and graceful. “Funny thing is, I was about to ask you the same thing.”

His right hand blurs as he slashes it toward me. I duck and leap over the leg he sweeps out, hitting out with the flat of my palm in a move I learned in a self-defense class.

Hit, hit.

He stumbles back, blood streaming from the nose I broke.

But he’s still smiling.

And he is definitely like me for that broken nose to be healing right in front of me.

“A fighter. Fun.” When he speaks, his teeth aren’t human anymore.

White canines glint at me, lethal and sharp enough to tear through flesh.

Wolf teeth.

That’s not my only problem.

His right hand elongates, fingers stretching and curling to resemble wolf claws.

He punches those claws at my throat.

I leap back, spin around, and sprint away.

I don’t hear him follow, but he’s there. I feel him eating up the inches between us and breathing down the back of my neck.

It’s practically the middle of the night. The only sound this late is my increasingly ragged breaths.

Cops and campus security can’t be far away. If I were to scream, they’d run right this way.

But that isn’t what I want.

If this guy killed Doug, he’s not going to jail. He needs to be six feet under.

Two minutes.

That’s all I need. Two minutes to rip these clothes off me, change into my faster four legged self, and I won’t be running from him; he’ll be running from me.

Deep in the back of the bleachers, it’s nearly pitch black as I seek the perfect semi-dark corner to stage my ambush. My sharp wolf eyes are no help.

My instincts scream a warning.

Too late.

I slam into something I assume must be a pole. It’s not. Poles don’t trip you. Nor do they smell of fern and wild mint.

Another werewolf.

I catch myself using both hands and shove myself up, only to yelp when someone kicks my legs out from under me.

A man appears when I thought there had only been one.

He’s built like a linebacker, just like Corvette Guy. The cell phone he’s holding in one hand illuminates his dark blond hair and dark forest green eyes.

A grin splits his handsome face. “Time for lights out.”

I’m scuttling backward to escape the ambush I walked into so I miss what happens next.