Page 8 of Wandering Closer

She lets out a choked laugh and adjusts the cardigan tighter around herself. “You hit the nail on the head, it’s a sports romance. MLB specifically.”

My hands clamp around my mug as my knee bounces anxiously. Do I tell her about River? Or does she know already, and maybe she sought me out. That seems crazy, plus I’m the one who found her this time. She’s going to find out eventually, I might as well tell her now. “That’s wild,” my voice comes out a little hoarse. “My brother plays first base for the Seattle Rainiers.”

Her mouth slowly drops open, eyes wide as she stares at me. Then a delighted screech leaves her throat, as she almost spills the rest of her nearly empty coffee on herself. It’s the same reaction I always get, any interest in me is immediately overshadowed by having a famous brother.

“No way! Do you know a lot about baseball then?” she all but squeals.

“Uhh, yeah. A bit,” I laugh awkwardly, scratching at my short beard.

“Can you teach me? Like about the positions, and maybe what your brother’s life is like? Sports and I are not friends, anddespite my research, I still have so much to learn for my book,” she says, talking a mile a minute. “Could you even tell me what his routine is, if his dating life is hard in the public eye? Did he go to college first or straight to playing for the Rainiers? Oh, I have so many questions for you.” She finally looks over at me, and I’m not sure what she sees, but she quickly shuts her mouth. “Sorry, that was overstepping. You don’t have to tell me anything.”

I’m too perplexed to answer right away. She didn’t ask to talk to him. She asked me to teach her, to answer her questions. Hell, she didn’t even ask for his name, although she could look it up easily. My brain and mouth finally get on board together. “I am happy to help teach you and answer any questions that I can. Whatever I can’t answer, I can ask him next time we chat.”

She perks back up a little, but her voice is still reserved. “Really? You don’t have to, you probably get that a lot, huh? People wanting things from you because of who he is. I’m sorry I asked.”

“Sometimes,” I huff out. She narrows her eyes at me, and I relent. “Okay, most of the time. I really would love to help you, but if you still feel you’re taking advantage of me,” I wink at her, “you can do me a favor, too. On the days I can’t take Shadow to work with me, it would be awesome if you could stop by and say hi to her or let her out if you’re home.”

Shadow comes trotting back up to the deck and hops on the couch between us again at the mention of her name. No surprise, the traitor gives me her butt and plops her head in Lily’s lap, where I wouldn’t mind being either.

“I would be happy to do that! Does she like hikes? Could I take her on some with me? If not, I can walk her around here. Oooh, can she hang out here with me? I will be spending a lot of time holed up writing and would love to have her as company,” she rambles again, but I find it endearing. “If you don’t mind,that is. Just let me know the days and what you’re thinking and I’m your girl.”

My girl.Hell, I kind of like the sound of that. “How about you get my number, and I’ll text you my schedule. We can go from there, and any time you can spend with her would be great. We can also pick an evening after work where you can ask me all your baseball questions?”

“Perfect,” she says, plucking her phone from beside her and handing it over. “I will work on a list of them today. Thank you, Thoren. Moving and leaving everything I knew behind was terrifying. But finding friends like you has been amazing, and everything has been seeming to fall into place. Like everything I want in life is suddenly closer than I ever dreamed of.”

Her deep blue eyes shine in the morning light, captivating me. I am a man that is meant to be in a relationship. I like caring for someone other than myself, providing for them, protecting them, being there for them; it’s ingrained in me. I have missed not having that, even before Jen left me, I wasn’t having that need to be someone’s everything filled by her. Lily, though… I could see myself opening her car doors as those olive cheeks flush a deep purple. Having her over for dinner where she plays outside with Shadow while I grill us steaks. I could see myself stocking her shed with chopped wood for the winter and she would be so grateful for the little things like that.

I put my number in her phone, and hand it back to her. “I’m happy to help, Lily. Anything you need, I’m here. Shadow and I will let you enjoy your Saturday. Thank you for the coffee, I’ll see you around.” As I stand up, Shadow jumps down with me, taking off into the woods toward home already. I make a mental note of approximately how large her deck is, then follow after Shadow. I turn back to wave at Lily one more time, to get one more peak at her soft legs, and messy bun on her head, only to see her eyes on me already, lids lowered in appreciation. She gives a small smilein embarrassment and waves back. I can’t wipe the grin from my face as I turn back around. In fact, it doesn’t leave my face all day.

Bros & Hoe Group Chat

Thoren :

I got her number. Need some assistance later Riv.

Jake :

Damn. I’m impressed.

Thoren :

Good because I need to borrow your trailer this week too.

River :

Whose number? No surprise on the second part.

Thoren :

Fuck off, she’s writing a sports romance book about baseball and has some questions.

Jake :

She’s going to be a freak in bed, all those book girls are. What do you need the trailer for?

Thoren :

Don’t even try to sleep with her.