Page 57 of Wandering Closer

“You also weren’t supposed to wear panties. Did you listen?” My cheeks heat as his eyes bore into my lap like he knows I didn’t.

“Show me, Lily.”

Slowly, I slide my dress up my thighs to reveal a red cotton thong. Thoren tsks, shaking his head as he navigates us through town. “Take them off, princess.”

“What?” I squeak.

“Take. Them. Off.”

Reluctantly, I listen, lifting my hips to slide them off. Thoren delicately plucks them from my fingers, before tucking them into his pocket. “Good girl.”

I’m not sure if I’m upset or turned on, but I think it’s a good bit of both. That seems to be a common occurrence around this man. I shimmy my dress back down with a mock glare, and the smug jerk just winks at me.

“Do your parents know I’m staying with you? And about Tyler? Oh god, did River tell them about our make out in the hall?”

His chuckle stops when he sees the genuine panic on my face. “They know about you staying, and they know you are having issues with an ex, but that’s it. They’re good people, baby, you don’t need to worry. There’s not a judgemental thought between them.” He squeezes my thigh as he pulls up to their house.

He lets Shadow out of the back, before coming over to open my door. Thoren pulls me down and into his arms while I take some steadying breaths. “They already love you, Lily. They will see the beautiful, strong, and kind-hearted woman that I see every day.” He swipes the flowers from the seat and gives them to me in time for us to see the front door open.

He grabs my hand, leading me to the porch where Shadow is waiting patiently for a treat. Thoren’s mom has a clear routine with her, which is both adorable and impressive. She looks up, giving us the biggest smile when Shadow finally gets the treat and tears through the house.

“Lily,” she opens her arms wide, embracing me fully. “It’s so good to finally meet you. I feel like we’ve been waiting forever. Come on in.” She ushers me in the house with her.

“Hi mom, good to see you, too,” Thoren grumbles behind us.

“These are for you, Mrs. James,” I say, handing her the flowers. “Thank you for having us over.”

“Please, call me Evelyn. Thoren, honey, can you put these in water for me? Then tell your dad to come inside? He’s in the garden again.”

Thoren looks at me with a questioning look and I nod, letting him know I’m okay on my own. He heads to the kitchen while Evelyn leads me to the living room. “I’m sorry to steal you away right away,” she says, taking a seat on the oversized couch, patting the spot next to her. “I just wanted to talk to you without the boys around. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you; both my sons have done nothing but sing your praises.”

“That’s really nice of them. They are good men. Thoren has done so much for me; they actually both have.”

“They’re the best boys. Though I’m afraid River gets most of the praise.”

River only met me for dinner and the walkthrough of the stadium, but I’m not surprised he squealed to his mom about me. He seems genuine, and his love for his little brother shows. He seemed beyond thrilled for Thoren and me to be together.

“I picked up on that. He was wonderful to me, and I’m sure he deserves it. It surprises me that people overlook Thoren so easily, though. Men like him are hard to find, with his loyalty, heart, and giving soul. I thought men like him were only real in fairytales.”

Evelyn’s eyes shine as she watches me talk about her son, and I suddenly feel like I’m over sharing. I’ve never met a boyfriend’s parents or family, so I move to a safer topic. “He talks so highly of you, always bragging about your food, garden, and things you did while he was growing up.”

“That’s always nice to hear. Thoren mentioned your parents weren’t really in the picture?”

The blood drains from my face as my muscles lock up. “Umm, yeah, they had different plans for my life, so we don’t talk much.”

“I’m really sorry about that. It’s hard to grow up with that, and it’s hard to continue to feel that loneliness and disconnect as an adult. I know I’m not your mom, and while I have hopes, I can’t know where things are going with you and Thoren. Regardless, I am here, and I am available anytime. I’ve read your books, and you are so incredibly talented. You should be beyond proud of yourself and what you’re doing.”

“Thank you,” I swallow around the lump in my throat.

“No, thank you. You have brought hope and happiness back into Thoren’s life. He’s lucky to have found you. That video of you two at the game warmed my heart, seeing him getting chosen like that. We all worry about him, even River. The world puts him in River’s shadow despite us doing everything we can to keep their accomplishments separate. You, sweet girl, impacted our entire family in ways you will never know with that small action.”

Her hand pats mine lovingly, “You are so strong, and I know that there is a lot you are facing right now. I see your selflessness, your grit, and your heart. River saw it the minute he met you, and David and I have seen it in the way you take care of our boy. You’re not alone, Lily. We are all here to help you through these next parts of life, and to cheer you on along the way.”

Evelyn’s face blurs as the tears threaten to spill over. What must it have been like to grow up with a mom like this? And what have I done to deserve to have these people in my life now? I blink back the tears, discreetly wiping the few that break free.

Hearing her say she is proud of me makes me realize the only time I heard those words come from my mom’s mouth was when I graduated top of my class. She has never sat with me tojust talk, or to see who I am outside of my career and education. Although those were things I wanted from her, I think I realized a long time ago I would never get them. Making peace with knowing you are a disappointment to your parents is hard, but I thought I got there. Evelyn’s kind words sending me into a tailspin of emotions says I’m not there yet.

“Thank you, Evelyn. For raising such good men, and for saying that. It means more than you’ll ever know.”