“How often do you guys do things like this?” Lily asks around bites.
“Not often enough,” Jake replies. “We used to get together for dinner in town a few times a year at least, but life’s just gotten busy and we kind of stopped. It’s been about a year, at least.”
Shit, has it really been a year? I need to make this a priority again, especially with Lily part of the crew now. Michele wasn’t part of our friend group in high school, but we were friendly enough. She dated River’s friend Ethan for a while, and they were inseparable.
“When was the last time you talked to Ethan, Chele?” I ask.
Her bright eyes dim as she swallows her bite. “It’s been a few years. Last I heard, he was in Colorado following in his dad’s footsteps.”
“Who is Ethan?” Lily’s sweet voice asks.
“A kid we all grew up with. He and Chele dated in high school for a while before his family moved. His dad was a fire chief and got a job offer out of state.” I lean over to Lily, whispering in her ear, “Michele’s first, and to my knowledge, only love.”
She looks at her friend with a sad smile before scooting a little closer to my side. Her small fingers make teasing strokes up and down my jean-clad thighs and I can’t help but think she really wants the punishment I threatened her with.
“How’s woodworking full time?” Michele asks Jake, clearly uncomfortable with that topic.
“It’s busy. I got an offer from a showroom in Spokane to put my furniture there as well. They know the waitlist may bemonths, but they still seem interested anyway. I’m driving over next week to check it out and see if it’s the right fit,” he shrugs.
“That’s incredible, Jake. Quit being so damn humble, you’re killing it and you should be proud. It’s everything you’ve wanted and have been working toward for years,” I kick his foot under the table across from me to make sure he’s paying attention.
“Thanks, Hammer,” he kicks me back.
“You’re welcome, Ladder.”
Lily and Michele look between us like we’re crazy and I realize if we explain this, they will think we are. Jake rolls his eyes but smirks, so I know he’s going to spill the beans. We were on a roll there for five years, keeping it hidden.
“So I get the hammer,” Michele points to me, then turns to Jake wide-eyed. “Please tell me there’s a double meaning with the ladder.”
When he winks at her, she almost falls over in her chair, cackling. “Oh my god, yes! This is amazing. Can I see it? Wait, no, I don’t want to. Actually, yes I do. You have to show me, it’s Friendship 101.”
“I’m so lost,” my sweet naive Lily says next to me.
“Thor over here,” Michele says, pointing back at me, “has been calling his dick his ‘hammer’ since he moved back from college. Jacob’s ladder, you know the joke, works with this idiot over here, but I just discovered he has the piercing, too!”
“What piercing?” Lily asks again.
“The dick piercing! You know, barbells like rungs on a ladder through his dick. How many do you have? You know what, I’ll just count when you show me,” Michele says, practically giddy. I’m cracking up just as much as she is at the horror equally matched on both Lily and Jake’s faces.
“You’re not seeing it,” Jake declares adamantly.
“Oh, yes, I am, or I’ll start telling all the girls in town that you’re a big softie and your penis is small.”
His eyes narrow and I have to spare him, so I blurt out the last secret. “That’s not even the best part of it all.”
“What’s the best part?” Lily asks, her voice full of trepidation.
I stand up, turning to face my ass toward the girls, and begrudgingly, Jake does the same. In tandem, we pull down a side of our pants to reveal our matching ass tattoos. Mine, a small hammer, and Jake’s, a small ladder. We lost a bet with River right out of college and, well, that was our punishment.
The girls' laughs are loud and instantaneous, both dying over our tattoos. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not, and I saved Jake from having to whip out his dick. I would have had to punch him if Lily saw it, and I’m fairly certain he would then proceed to kick my ass.
Easy conversation and laughter filled the rest of our dinner. Jen rarely joined our friend dinners when we did them, and when she did, they never had this much happiness. I’m so grateful to be surrounded by friends that support me and my girl. When Lily finishes her last piece of pizza, I pull her onto my lap, hating not having my hands on her.
I’ve been half hard since our kiss upstairs, with her breathy moans, and the way she rubbed herself against me. My cock thickens again thinking about it, and I know she can feel it because she adjusts herself, subtly rubbing her ass over my growing length. My fingers grip her hips tight, trying to hold her in place before I embarrass myself.
Thankfully, Jake looks over and knows exactly what I’m thinking, so he starts packing up the table and offers to drive Michele back home. She drove with me up here for the surprise, and while I am grateful, I’m even more grateful I don’t have to take her back. With a quick adjustment while standing behind Lily, I follow our friends to the front door to say goodbye.
As Michele and Lily say goodbye, Jake gives me a bro hug, muttering, “She’s worthy of your hammer.”