Page 39 of Wandering Closer

The sun is just setting outside, and the views are beyond what I could have imagined. You can see the mountains, the Puget Sound, and the islands, along with every tall building and the unique hilly landscape of the area.

I’m so busy staring, I don’t realize the conversation has been flowing around me. Thoren’s arm wraps around my chair as he leans in, his lips brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “What would you like to drink?”

I turn sheepishly, his face mere inches from mine. His minty breath skates over me. “Sorry, it’s just so pretty. A glass of wine would be great.”

River keeps his eyes fixed on us from across the table. “Do you like red? I can get a bottle for the table.” At my nod, he orders a bottle from the waiter, who hurries off to get it for us. “If you want to know how it is dating me, take a look over your shoulder,” he adds, nodding behind me. There is a table not too far from us where the patrons are not so subtly taking photos of us, or more realistically, River.

“Does that happen everywhere?”

“Not always. Rainiers fans always recognize me, but not everyone is a baseball fan, so I can get away with flying underthe radar sometimes. It happens, though. Sometimes they are subtle, sometimes kind, and sometimes, not so much.”

“Someone ran up to him last week and all but knocked me over to throw herself on him while we were at Alki Beach. Times like those are a little rough,” Vanessa adds in, not looking thrilled about the situation. I can’t say I blame her. Heck, I didn’t like Sherry fawning over Thoren, and he isn’t even mine. That thought sits heavy in my chest, and the realization hits. Do I want him to be mine?

I think I am getting around to that idea. He has been slowly immersing himself in my life, offering friendship and support. His subtle touches and hand holds haven’t gone unnoticed, and I am starting to crave his hands on me. If this was his plan all along, it’s working.

The server brings the bottle of wine and four glasses, pouring them for us before taking our orders.

“How many books have you written, Lily?” River asks, leaning forward with his hands folded on the table.

“I have four currently published. I am hoping to turn this one into a series, following a few of the different players. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to get a behind the scenes look. Research only goes so far, you know?”

“It’s no problem, but make sure you stay by Thoren’s side tomorrow. Some of the boys can be a little rowdy.” Thoren’s hand that was resting on my chair reaches forward, his fingers drawing small circles on my shoulder. I like his subtle claim on me, his quiet reassurance that he has me.

“How long have you guys been together?” I ask River.

“Three months,” Vanessa answers. She seems nice, but is a little standoffish with her responses. “It’s going really well, though.” She leans into him, putting a hand on his chest. It’s a claiming move, but in a way that is wholly unnecessary.

I let the comment drop, and River picks up the conversation. He and Thoren catch up with how the search and rescue team is doing, how their parents are, and how River is feeling about his season. Vanessa and I listen and add in our two cents when it’s welcomed. It is heartwarming to see the bond between Thoren and his brother. I have picked up on the fact that he feels he lives in River’s shadow, but he doesn’t let it show when he’s with him. They both seem proud of the other and just happy to get to spend time together.

“Tell me more about yourself,” River says as the waiter delivers our desserts.

“Not much to tell. I grew up in Phoenix, I’m an only child, and now I live in Cedar Ridge. You kind of know the history there,” I feel my face getting hot. “Thank you for connecting us with Kinsley, by the way. But now I’m fixing up my cabin and pursuing my passion for writing.”

Thoren’s hand wraps around the back of my neck, giving it a reassuring squeeze before going back to stroking my shoulder. River’s eyes darken, a scowl taking over his face. “You’re welcome. If you need anything else, please call me.” He takes a bite of his cheesecake before continuing. “How’s the renovations coming? I hope you’re putting my brother to work. I’ve heard Thor knows how to swing his hammer.”

I choke on a laugh as Thoren chokes on his bite of chocolate cake.

“Dick,” he mutters.

River’s laugh is loud and hearty, head thrown back at his own joke. “What? I meant because you renovated your place recently, too.” He smirks, winking at me.

The sun is set by the time we are finished, the city lights flashing below us, and I am dead on my feet. It’s been a long day, and although everything was really wonderful, it’s also been overwhelming. As we pile into the elevator to head back down,Thoren puts a hand on my hip pulling my back to his chest, letting me lean against him. My breaths mimic his as his heat soaks into my exposed skin. It’s a comfort I didn’t know I needed after today. We say our goodbyes at the bottom, setting a time to meet at the stadium tomorrow so we can get a small tour before the game.

By the time we get back to the hotel, I am beyond ready to crash. He lets me take over the bathroom first, where I go through my nightly routine. I remove all my makeup, brush my teeth, and put on my silky tank and shorts pajama set. I didn’t know when I packed these that he would see me in them, but I’m glad he is. There is something changing with us, and I’d be lying if I said I’m not eager to explore it.

Thoren is already lying on his bed when I step out, dressed only in shorts, with one hand behind his head while he reads something on his phone. Tattoos swirl over his chest, leading to abs above the perfect Adonis belt. It’s visible with the low set of his shorts, a light smattering of hair trailing down just below his navel. He glances up, dropping his phone as he does a double take. A chill runs down my spine as his intense gaze lingers on me, causing my nipples to tighten and ache under the scorching heat.

“Your turn,” I breathe out, breaking his stare. His muscles flex as he sits up, the tension in the room building. The attraction between us is palpable, and if I wasn’t so exhausted from not sleeping much the night before, I would climb this man like a tree. I watch him retreat to the bathroom, every movement flexing the muscles in his back. When the bathroom door closes, I take my first real breath since walking in here. I quickly retreat to my bed, tucking myself in so I don’t do something rash.

A few moments later, he slips from the bathroom, and I try to keep my eyes anywhere but on him. When the rustle of his sheets settles, I finally turn to face him. He’s lying in his bed, theblanket tucked under his arm, facing me as well. Thoren reaches forward, turning out the light.

“Goodnight, Lily,” his soft voice breaks through the dark.

I want to say goodnight and let sleep drag me under, but I also don’t want this night with him to end. Thoren has wormed his way into my life and into my heart. From a young age I was accustomed to being alone. Before Tyler, I found it hard to date and nothing ever turned into a relationship. There was this sense that my life was destined to be spent alone. After Tyler, that thought became overwhelming, like I really was meant to be alone and bad things happened when I wasn’t. I’m starting to see that’s not the truth at all. I just hadn’t found the right person. Thoren feels like the right person, and I want to call this man my own.

“Was it nice to see your brother?” I ask instead.

His chuckle is low and smooth. “Yeah, it was. We only see each other a couple times a year, so it’s always nice to get to spend time with him.”